Camp Closeted

Chapter 9: Mean Boys

Chapter 9: Mean Boys

I slowly turned around as I was surely caught off guard. "H-hi." I greeted anxiously.

"You're one of the new boys right?" Posh smiled brightly as his lip gloss shimmered at me.

"Y-yea I guess." I blinked my eyes at him a few times.

"You're supes cute, you should sit with us." He spoke again as I heard Benny loudly cough behind me.

"Go." Benny whispered sharply as Posh and the other two continued to look at me.

"Um, okay." I quickly got up with widened eyes, beginning to walk with them as I threw Benny and

Logan a confused facial expression.

It was awkwardly quiet. I didn't expect that he'd just carelessly talk to me. "So how did you hear about

the camp?" Posh tilted his sun glasses at me as we sat at a round table.

"Uh my mom did, not me."

Posh nodded as he gave me his full attention which made me uncomfortable. He was absolutely

gorgeous. His skin was almost radiantly glossy and had hints of bronze. His makeup was smoky and

subtle as everything seemed to be well thought out including his outfit.

"Actually same with me. My mom has been a long time investor in this camp so she told me just try it

and now fast forward all these years I basically grew up here." Posh chuckled as he sipped out of his

drink. "You're so fit by the way, are you an athlete or something?"

I shyly looked down as my cheeks ultimately began to burn as another voice interrupted my response.

Milan quickly interrupted Posh and hastily stared directly at me. "You know that boy Logan? Has he

talked about me? Ask about me? Like at all?" I couldn't help but awkwardly stay quiet as he spoke so


Posh's mouth widened. "Milan stop being rude can't you tell I'm talking to him? Shut up." Milan quickly

looked down in a saddened facial expression. "So anyways, what kind of companies do your parents

own?" Posh casually asked.

"Well we don't own any companies but my mom's a nurse and my dad left when I was little." I shyly

spoke, my voice almost disappearing at the end of all my sentences.

Milan spoke before Posh yet again as Cadence just remained quiet, focusing on his vape pen. "Ew,

you're family sounds broke and problematic. Posh why the hell are we talking to a low-class!" He

rapidly panicked.

I took a second to blink in shock as I tried my best to process that people like this actually existed and

that I'm not just going insane.

"Milan, we're welcoming a new member in the camp and you're being so rude and trashy." Posh rolled

his eyes, following it with a finger just to check if his eyelashes were fine.

"Forget that! Posh you know I'm going through a raw break up! I don't have time to welcome a poor

peasant!" Milan screamed as he began to cry, beginning to stand up as Posh sighed.

Posh half-laughed. "Bitch please, cut the crocodile tears. That raw break up was a year ago and you

were the one who wanted to break up with that person so it was your fault. Stop antagonizing this

middle-class just because you're an airhead." Posh scoffed, looking back at me.

"You're always so mean to me!" He cried out. "I'm going to back to my suite." Milan proceeded to stomp

away, his fists clenched and his face red.

"Bye sweetie! Have fun playing the blood violin." Posh imitated slicing his wrists as it just made Milan

cry harder. "Fucking pathetic." He whispered under his breath.

My jaw unconsciously dropped and this seemed to fuel Posh's ego only more for some sick, twisted

reason. I genuinely couldn't control my reaction to the insane things coming out of his mouth.

"Dude you know Milan is suicidal, don't say shit like that." Cadence's deep voice demanded attention.

Smoke that smelled like strawberries aesthetically came out of his mouth as it began to spread around


Posh raised an eyebrow at him. "And I'm bulimic and you're a drug addict so what's your point?"

Cadence raised his arms up as if he surrendered. "Cade, I have no pity for Milan right now. I know he

only wants his boyfriend back because I started dating Dallas which is gaining attention and making

headlines and he hates that. So by all means, if he wants to chug down a gallon of bleach just because

the world doesn't revolve around him, I'll even buy it for him." My mouth slightly dropped.

"Whatever." Cadence slightly let out as Posh looked at my flustered face. "Want a hit babe?"

Cadence's voice was still unexpectedly deep and husky as he gestured his slick black vape pen

towards me.

I just thought Cadence would sound and act the same as Milan and Posh, but he was the complete


"Um no thanks, I'm fine." I quickly declined, visibly becoming uncomfortable by how cruel Posh treats

his so-called friends. "I-I should go, I still have a lot of unpacking to do, thanks for welcoming me, I

appreciate it."

"Ciao!" Posh all of a sudden threw me a wide smile. "Have fun at the camp and don't be a stranger." He

waved me away.

I quickly got up, beginning to walk back to my table, turning myself around as I felt anxious for some


The second I turned around I felt my whole body quickly freeze in time.

What. The. Fuck!

Several gasps and laughs were made as I cringed at the feeling of the spilled food on me.

I took a pause to breath before doing anything. The spilled food was warm and I felt it everywhere.

"Holy shit dude, I'm so sorry!" Dallas's mouth dropped at me in shock as mine were dropped in disgust.

Posh chirped behind me. "Wow way to go Dallas, you've actually managed to make yourself dumber."

Cadence chuckling beside him. NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

I was frozen, I didn't know what to do as I just felt everyone's eyes stab at me.

"Dude are you okay? I'm really sorry!" Dallas examined the food he spilled on me as I remained quiet.

I finally took a deep breath and realized that this wasn't a nightmare but my actual reality. "It's fine." I

flicked some of the food off my soaked hands as he spoke again.

"No, it's not fine, god I'm such an idiot!" He hastily grabbed onto my hand. "H-here follow me, please. I

can help clean you up." He stuttered.

"No, seriously it's fine I can manage." My voice was undeniably frustrated and I knew I was about to cry

as he seemed to not let go of his grip.

"I mean it." His hazel eyes pierced through me. "Let me help." His lips were pursed as I sighed.

Posh was obvious in trying to hold in a laugh. "Yea let him help Micah, people who make mistakes

should always make it up." He ended, sharply, turning back to his phone. "Cadence give me your pen I

want a pic with smoke coming out of my mouth."

I already wanna go home...

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