Camp Closeted

Chapter 55: Fancy Boudoir

Chapter 55: Fancy Boudoir

My finger trailed down Jesse's pale defined abs as he peacefully slept, my head gently resting just

underneath his jawline.

His chest raised my head up every time he inhaled, my eyes looking up at his face. It was still dewy

and flushed from what I did to him earlier today.

God this camp really did change me. I came here without having any friends and now here I am having

friends and a boyfriend I'm doing things with?


It seemed as if Jesse felt my sudden rush of thinking as he slowly woke up, yawning. "You're awake?"

He looked down, our eyes meeting.

"Yea, you're the only one who slept." I lightly chuckled, his finger lightly rubbing against my lip.

"You made me numb, sorry." He devilishly smirked, stretching his arms out which made me get up off

of him.

"I did?" I tilted my head at him, yawning as I sat up off the bed. "Is that bad?" My voice anxiously


"No, hell no, it was great, especially for your first time." Jesse kept his piercingly gorgeous blue eyes at

me as he cheekily smiled. "I guess taking you to that yogurt place paid off." He winked, immediately

making blood run through my head.

"Shut up." I let out in a quiet whine. "I'm never doing that again." I crinkled my face at him as he sat

back up with me.

"You're gonna wanna do it again, watch." He bit his lip after his sarcastic response, strands of his hair

falling onto his face as what he said made me roll my eyes back.

"Nope, never again, I swear. You're just too conceited." I tried to hide my smile, Jesse gently landing

his hand on my thigh.

"You don't want me to return the favor?" He raised an eyebrow at me as I glanced down at his hand

beginning to slowly slide upwards.

"U-uh no, not really!" I exclaimed sheepishly with widened eyes. "I don't think I'm ready for that yet." I

grabbed some of the blankets to cover myself up from him.

Jesse casually shrugged. "Micah you just had me inside your mouth, I think you're ready for a lot of

things." I immediately slapped him, making him laugh out loud, making him rub over his cheek. "Ow!"

He pouted.

My eyes hastily looked around to see if anyone heard, luckily no one was around. "Jesse shut up! I

don't want anyone to know about that. That's so personal." I quickly threw him a dirty look.

"Sorry." His signature pout stayed on his face as him being so attractive almost seemed to make being

mad at him insanely impossible.

Silence emitted between us as I just began to observe him. Fuck he looked absolutely stunning. His jet

black hair was messily ruffled as his blue crystallized gaze was fully dilated at me now.

"You're so hot." He threw his head back as he quickly licked over his cherry red lips, his words not

failing to send butterflies to roam around my stomach.

A heated exhale left my mouth as my cheeks brightly burned at him. "Were you looking at me just


He slowly nodded his head at me. "I look at you all the time, you just noticed?" His voice was always a

lot huskier whenever he just woke up and hearing it always made me feel some type of way.

"No, I have. I have noticed." I cheerily replied. "It's just different when both of us do it at the same time."

"Is it?" He quickly got up and planted a kiss on my lips, making me close my eyes from complete

peace. "What are you gonna do today?" He asked, his face closely against mine now.

"I don't know, probably spend time with Benny. He's leaving soon and I wanna make sure I spend a lot

of time with him before he leaves." I blinked slowly, still trying to process Benny having to leave.

"Where to?" Jesse asked.

"Literally everywhere in Europe. He's like a huge traveling stylist now." I replied, audibly trying to sound


"That's cool, if you come visit me in Italy we can go see him together." Jesse responded as I made a

sudden realization.


Silence now loomed over us as tried my best to remain calm as much as possible.

"Wait." I took a deep breath before speaking again. "After this camp is over, you're gonna have to fly

back to Italy aren't you?"

"Earlier than that actually, but y-yea, I'm gonna have to." What I said helped Jesse realize it also as I

just sighed. "But so what? We can make it work. I fly here every year." I just buried my face into my

hands at Jesse's response.

"Jesse, that's not how it works. You make it sound so easy but it's not going to be." So everyone

special to me in this camp are just all gonna leave now? "We're gonna be thousands of miles away, for

who knows how many months. I don't even know if I'm coming back here again I'm gonna have to go

back to school."

"Micah it's okay, we can make it work." Jesse extended an arm forward as I just sat still.

"Do you think we can? Because I-I honestly don't. I don't wanna sound like a bitch but long distance

relationships are not easy and I don't ever wanna be in a spot where I want my boyfriend so bad and

the only way I can feel him is through a screen." I unconsciously raised my voice. "Jesse I-I don't


Jesse looked quickly to the side as his jaws clenched only for a second. "You're acting like you've been

in a long distance relationship before, why can't you at least try to be hopeful about making it work?"

"Because I don't have to be in a long distance relationship to know it's probably super hard! Someone I

just started loving is gonna be gone soon and taken away from me. And what? Wait a couple of months

till I see him again?" I began to choke out from frustration as I wish I thought about this more.

Am I that dumb? Let me just start dating someone who originally doesn't live here! Fuck why am I so


"Micah, I know your freaking out but if we really try, it won't be that hard." Jesse extended an arm

towards mine as he brushed his warmth against me. "I'm not even planning to stay in Italy forever, my

aunt wants to live here, and we probably will. It'll work. I promise you Micah, we'll make it work."

"I-I don't know." I deeply breathed, growing stress making it come out a lot weaker than intended.

"Yes you do know." Jesse rapidly moved his shirtless body closer towards me, not breaking our eye

contact at all. "Micah, at this point, If you still can't tell that I'm practically obsessed with you I don't

know what else to do. I'm gonna do everything in my power to make it work but I'm gonna need your


I looked up, my narrowed eyes breaking off of Jesse's extremely anxious ones. "Okay." I breathed,

making Jesse's face rapidly soften from relief. "We-you're right, yea, okay, we'll make it work." I pursed

my lips, slowly nodding my head.

We'll make it work..

"Oh y'all freaky!" Benny crinkled his face at me, making me rapidly purse my lips out of shame. "I would

never use my mouth in that type of way! The only thing that enters this mouth is the body and blood of

Jesus Christ. Mostly blood because you know I love a good drink." He cackled, making me quietly join


"I'm so embarrassed now." I spoke shyly. "I shouldn't have done it."

Benny quickly shook his head. "Micah you my good Judy, I ain't judging how you wanna get down with

your man, I swear!" He loudly continued. "Did your nosebleed?"

"Surprisingly enough, no." I quickly responded.

"Oh well good. That shit would've made everything so awkward." He shrugged, adjusting his striped


As Benny and I continued our walk, something quickly began to take his attention, making him turn his

head to the side.

"Look at how big that suite is." Benny pointed directly at it as I squinted my eyes at the direction of his

finger. "If I wasn't so broke I would stay in one forever. Give me at least 5 years with my new job, I

swear I'll have a bigger one."

"Who owns it?" I asked, making him throw me a subtly dirty look.

"Forreal? You don't remember? So now we just gonna get amnesia over what he did to me?" He

dramatically rolled his eyes as I just simply shrugged. "Posh!"

"Oh!" My eyes widened. "Sorry, it looks so different without all the night lights, that's why."

"I know, but it's still hella big." Benny clicked his mouth, our eyes not leaving the sight of the gorgeous


"Why are there so many trucks outside?" I looked around.

All of a sudden, our breaths audibly hitched at the sight of Posh coming out of his suite's large door.

"Regal greetings to you, locals!" He waved, his high pitched voice greeting out.

What he said made Benny and I unconsciously stop walking as Posh began to strut towards us,

wearing insanely high heels as three muscular guys exited out of his suite with careful hands on

expensive looking handbags.

Posh wore a black see through shirt and had on a black latex pencil skirt, making my eyes widen down

at him. His hand complimented by his usually sharp nails fluffed his black sleek fur coat as he finally

reached us, his glossy lips mischievously smirking.

"You're ass looks extra as usual." Benny sharply complimented. Well, at least it sounded like a


Posh kept his smirk. "Well you know me, always doing the least but always looking the most." His hand

slowly posed up as he looked to the side like a model, a streak of shimmer all of a sudden appearing

on his cheeks.

"I don't know about doing the least." Benny coughed, visibly and audibly unimpressed. "What's up with

the pink trucks?"

Posh slowly looked down, his eyes almost smiling as he slid his sun glasses off. "It's quite a long and

interesting story, I'd hate for it to interrupt your boringly bland forest walk so I'll spare you both the

details." His long lashes batting at us.

It's almost admirable how insanely extra Posh is. Even though he radiated astronomical amounts of

cockiness he still almost had a way of smoothness in how he talked and how he moved. I have

definitely never met anyone like Posh before and probably would never again.

I quickly spoke out before Benny since I knew what he was about to say next was about to be a jab.

"Our walk is over, we were actually just getting back, I wanna hear it."

Benny snapped his neck back at me as he quickly shot a finger up to talk but Posh had already beat

him to it. "Supes lovely." Posh nodded at us. "Now I don't care a single bit if you guys mind or not but I

have to reapply my highlighter that's in my boudoir, so do follow me." He snapped his finger as he

turned back around, beginning to strut back into his suite.

"What the hell is wrong with you hoe!" Benny roughly whispered. "I'm not planning to enter the gates of

hell just yet!" He humorously added, making me try and hide my smile.

"I'm just curious." I shrugged, whispering back.

The second we entered the suite it felt like my jaw was melting from the amount of shock I now felt at

how large Posh's suite is. Judging just from the height and the 3 spiraled staircases in front of us,

Posh's suite is 2 if not 3 times larger than Milan's.

Benny and I followed Posh as he snapped his finger once again, a tall dark haired boy with deep green

eyes walking towards us. He was dressed in a suit and held a tray with equally filled wine glasses.

"Feel free to grab a glass of Chateau Lafite from my butler's tray. It's been aged for 67 years and was

surprisingly very cheap."

The second Benny heard Posh's invitation to drink, he rapidly zoomed passed me, almost making me

trip back. "Shit, I'll grab two." He murmured. "With me being in here I might even need 3."

"How cheap was it?" I asked.

"It was only auctioned for 2.3 million." Posh casually responded, making me spit out the drink I didn't

even have in my mouth.

Benny was so focused on drinking the wine that he didn't even have enough time to drop it on the floor

from shock. I stared at him as my mind tried to process the fact that each sip he took was probably

worth 10 thousand dollars.

I decided not to get a glass of wine as I couldn't help but glance at Posh's young butler. Where does

Posh get such angelic looking guys to work for him?

Benny continued on taking large sips off the wine as both of his hands were now occupied with two

glasses, making me laugh at the fact that he actually grabbed two. "So can you talk while we walk to

your boudoir or whatever, this place is so big it's gonna be next week once we get there." He stated.

Posh began to talk back as we followed him up his clean, shiny, spiraled marble staircase. "Okay well,

the pink trucks are here to indicate the fact that I have finally made a realization of my great potential."

Posh breathed, his voice silky. "I'm leaving this place forever and never coming back."

Benny just loudly sipped before responding. "Is it because your sister stole your boyfriend?" My eyes

widened at him being too blunt as I softly nudged his shoulder. "What?" He sharply whispered.

"Ex-sister." Posh corrected, glancing back at us as he didn't seem bothered at all. "You know, if

anything, Milan stealing Dallas from me only helped me realize how great I truly am. I'm so over that

era of needing a man. Honestly, I'm better off just being by myself."

I curiously looked at him as we finally reached the top of the stairs, Posh continuing to talk. "I honestly

never once really felt any love for Dallas and only dated him since he looked hot in pictures. He helped

make my Instagram feed look great. If he wasn't so photogenic I wouldn't even bother looking at him."

We walked pass the halls as I listened to Posh. "Call me shallow but I was raised on people only using NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

people only if their beneficial to them and that's how I saw him."

"Was Dallas the reason you were crying at the cafeteria that day?" I asked, emitting a momentarily


"Yes, he was." Posh surprisingly admitted, cutting right to another long hallway. "It wasn't cute at all. I

was crying not because I was heartbroken but because I felt absolutely humiliated. The second I

realized that I was crying for such a local who only listens to country music and ultimately wants to live

in the prairie somewhere, I immediately stopped and went out shopping. Knowing he also down graded

to Milan helped me get over it rather quickly." Finally we entered a spacious room.

Without any surprise, this room was exceptionally large. It looked like it was specifically only meant for

makeup as tons of makeup products surrounded the whole room. What stood out more than the

makeup though was the incredibly large vanity mirror that looked like it was specifically built to takeover

a whole wall. The mirror on it was so huge all three of us fit inside it, yet still having room for 5 more


Posh quickly sat down on a beautiful throne like seat and slid open a drawer, Benny and I watching him

on the mirror with complete awe. "I'm supes offended that both of you look very surprised. Were you

guys expecting less from me?" He smiled, pulling out a brush and rubbing it on the highlighter pan,

then quickly meeting the product against his cheek. "Doesn't Milan have a fancy boudoir in his suite?"

Posh sarcastically spoke.

Benny crinkled his face at Posh. "I'm not shocked about some fancy boudoir." Posh quickly glanced at

him from the mirror. "I'm shocked about how small you are and how big that mirror is." He all of a

sudden began laughing, finishing one glass and moving onto the next one.

Posh smiled as he looked back at himself on the mirror. "There's nothing wrong with loving your own


Benny spoke again. "If you become a stuck up bitch because of it, then trust, there's a lot of things

wrong with it." My mouth slowly widening.

"You must have a lot of opinions regarding me don't you?" Posh queried, not looking bothered by

Benny at all.

"More like facts. You a stuck up bitch and that's the truth, I'm just saying how it is." Benny's eyes

stabbed against Posh's on the mirror as I kept quiet.

Posh deeply breathed as he softly placed his brush down. "If knowing that I'm better than most people

and not being afraid to flaunt it makes me a stuck up bitch, I'll be more than willing to be the queen of

stuck up bitches."

"Of course you are." Benny seemed genuinely entertained now as he raised his glass at him. "You

know I'm curious, I gotta know Posh. What makes you think you're better than most people?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Posh asked proudly. "I have very high confidence, I'm at the top of the socially

accepted financial status, I'm famous, and I'm incredibly talented. I'm an embodiment of what a lot of

small gay kids want to be in the future, and quite frankly, I'm one of the few that you can't call out for

having no personality because that's not what millions of people around the world think."

"Bitch shut the fuck up before I wipe your mask you call makeup off!" Benny exclaimed with an

annoyed laugh, making me almost choke up as I prepared to hold him back just in case. "You're so

fake! You treat people like literal shit! You have no sympathy for anyone and you couldn't even try to be

humble if it depended on your life."

Posh remained calm as he just slowly turned back towards us with a small smile. "You know Benny,

lashing out like an enraged peasant won't solve anything. I've donated millions of money and helped

bring lights to countless villages out in third world countries. What have you done other than berate

richer people than you out of pure jealousy?" He leaned back against his chair, amusingly raising at

eyebrow at Benny.

"Jealousy? Oh please. I'd rather get to the high level that you think you are in right now through hard

work, rather than depending on daddy's money." Benny was now heavily breathing as his fists began to

clench, Posh looking directly at him. "And about those donations and help that you do for third world

countries, why not be known for that instead of being known for being a spoiled brat."

"It's not my fault that I was born into luxury and made the most of it. If I was not born into luxury would I

still want to work hard? Absolutely. But thankfully I don't have to as much because I was born

privileged, and I'm aware of that fact." Posh just shrugged, glancing down at his stiletto nails. "And

honestly, it doesn't matter how I wanna portray myself as, just as long as I am doing the donations and

helping various causes. Surely, I've done more impact in this world than you. Nothing you can say

should even bother me, I'm the first ever male Victoria's Secret Angel for my closet's sake." He


"Well congratufuckinglations bitch." Benny just rolled his eyes, chugging down what was left of his wine

glass. "You're one of those people no one can say anything to because you just have your own damn

song replayed in your head over and over again." Benny tiredly ranted.

Posh elegantly stood up, fluffing his thick black fur coat once again. "Dance, it's catchy." He teasingly


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