Camp Closeted

Chapter 50: Suspended Congress

Chapter 50: Suspended Congress

Silence completely surrounded the halls as I anxiously chewed on my lip, my eyes glancing at Logan,

wondering if he was gonna talk or not.

The second he did start to talk, I couldn't help but flinch out of nowhere. "I don't expect you to forgive

me." He began. "But I just wanted to apologize for being an asshole to you."

I remained quiet as I honestly didn't know how to take it. Looking at him made my head spiral out of

complete madness and frustration as what he did to me completely impacted me, and not in a good


Logan sniffed as his hands rested behind his back that was leaned against the wall. "I don't know, what

to say, other than I am really sorry." His voice sounded genuine but it only seemed to annoy me.

I finally answered as I just wanted to get away from him as fast as possible. "Look Logan, I'm not the

type who hold grudges. But, I just want you to know that what you did to me is something I'll never

forget in my life and it really changed me in a negative way." I sighed, my voice low as his eyes were

staring intently at me. "Whatever drove you into doing that to me, I hope you find peace." And with that,

I quickly walked away.

I didn't wanna be around him for more than a minute. He radiated such a bad aura and every time I

would look at him it was like what he did to me was flashing in my head all at once. I guess I appreciate

the fact that he apologized to me but that doesn't change the fact that he literally almost punched me to


I'm surprised he still even goes here because it's been weeks since I last saw him. Whatever happens,

I genuinely hope he finds peace.

Fuck, thanks to my mom for making me such a forgiving person. I can't even try to stay mad at Logan

now after especially that apology. I probably sound so dumb right now but for some reason I just can't

find any power in me to keep a grudge. I'll definitely still remember what he did to me though.

I slowly walked the halls as a bunch of thoughts were running through my head now. What else even

happened last night? All I remember is me being stupid and kissing Tristan, and Romeo bringing me

back home.

I wonder what even happened in the car ride with Romeo? I probably just slept all throughout the car

ride as he drove me back to my cabin.

Also I wish someone filmed me tumbling down the stairs like a complete fool. It'll help at least make me

feel better about my bruises.

Oh well, at least I got back home safe.

Benny's eyes didn't leave me as they were painted with genuine anxiety and curiosity. "What

happened?" He quickly asked. "What did he want?"

I just sniffed as I sat myself back on the table. "He just-he apologized." I shrugged as Benny looked

unsatisfied from my response.

"Don't tell me you accepted that bullshit." He sternly let out, making me remain quiet. "Micah why? That

boy almost killed you! I don't even know why he's not in jail!"

I quietly began. "Benny it's over, I'm over it. My eye is barely even noticeable anymore. I let it go, so

you should too."

He just clicked his mouth out in annoyance as he looked down at his phone. "Forgiving trashy people

that easily is how you get used and abused."

I ignored what he said as something began to take my attention. "Oh my god." I blurted out, my eyes

landing on a completely destroyed Posh.

He looked incredibly drained in every way possible as he loudly cried. His makeup was smearing and

his hair was way messier than usual. His clothes well portrayed his current emotions as everything was

colored black.

"What?" Benny looked at me then turned around to follow what I was looking at. "Oh you forgot what


I couldn't hide my slight pity for Posh as I saw him sitting at a table by himself, drowning his swelling

face into a pool of tissues. "What happened?"

Just before Benny could've responded, a familiar face quickly approached us and sat on the table, their

face magnifying great happiness. "I made Dallas break up with Posh!" Milan joyfully clapped as he tried

to quiet down.

"What?" My mouth rapidly dropped. "Wait how? What the hell?"

Milan slightly crinkled his face at me but he still looked very happy. "I thought you'd be happy now that

Dallas isn't being treated like a slave."

I took a second to respond as I looked past Milan, Posh still crying to himself. "Well yea, I am. I'm just

kinda shocked, that's all." I bit my lip. "How did you even make him break up with Posh?" I asked.

Milan smiled again, his cheeks reddening. "Okay well, be both got really drunk last night and we ended

up making out. He told me how badly he longed to show his affection for someone but he always had

to hold it in from Posh. I was so shocked that Posh never kissed him or even did anything with him

because Dallas is super hot. Posh literally treated him like a butler."

Benny quickly spoke in. "Damn."

"Yea I know right!" Milan continued. "So after we made out I told him to break up with Posh and I told

him that I would never do that to him."

My eyebrows quickly furrowed. "So are you guys dating now?"

Milan took a second to respond, his body melting into the table as he deeply breathed, a large warm

smile forming on his face. "I guess you could say that." He shyly admitted as Benny and I quickly

dropped our mouths at him.

Benny quickly laughed. "You man stealer!" He teased, making Milan laugh with him.

I remained expressionless as I couldn't stop looking at Posh. Why is he crying so hard about someone

he treated so badly? Or maybe he's crying about something else? Why do I even care?

Milan quickly grabbed my attention again as he flipped his blonde hair back. "Imagine guys, Milan

Rose." He began to laugh like a maniac as I tried to smile. "Watching everything fall apart before Posh

is so oddly satisfying! It's long overdue though, don't you guys agree?"

"Hell yea, fuck that bitch!" Benny cackled out as Milan joined him.

I remained quiet as I glanced at Posh again. Nothing about seeing a person so broken was funny to

me. I'm probably only being like this because Posh really never has done anything to me, personally.

I yawned out as I awkwardly sat in silence, the sound of Sascha laughing quietly to himself as he spoke

to Cadence.

Surprisingly enough, Rama wasn't here today. He was probably so tired of seeing these 2 completely

ignore everyone and just focus on each other. I'm not gonna lie, I was being third wheeled like hell and

all I wanted to do was get up and walk away.

"Sascha, I think I'm gonna stop coming to the library." I blurted out, Sascha's huge brown eyes slightly

widening and looking at me.

"W-what? Why?" He softly let out as Cadence looked at me now too, one of his arms snuggly wrapped

around Sascha's neck.

I just shrugged as my tone was incredibly dry. "I'm kinda getting tired having to walk from the cafeteria,

pass Cabin B, and then come here. It's not that I don't like you guys, it's just that I'm getting more tired I


Sascha remained quiet as he just glanced back at Cadence and then onto me. "D-do you feel like we're

leaving you out?"

"To be honest, yea." I looked at the both of them as the smell of watermelon coming from Cadence's

vape surrounded us.

Sascha mouth slightly opened then closed, his eyes intently looking up and down at me. "Sorry Micah.

We don't mean to." He spoke low.

Cadence lightly coughed. "Why don't you start dating someone?" He asked. "Maybe it'll help you feel

less left out."

I quickly scowled at him. "You guys are dating?"

"I guess, yea." Cadence subtly nodded.

Sascha anxiously looked at me and looked away. "I-I thought you knew since you kinda saw us last

night." He bit his lip.

I kept my scowl as I was confused by what he just said. "What do you mean last night? Doing wh-" I

quickly stopped talking as I came to a rapid conclusion.

"Yup." Cadence deeply chuckled as my mouth just dropped.

"No." I unconsciously breathed out. "Wait a second." I quickly looked down as an image in my head

began to come into view.

That couple..

In that room..

Was Cadence and Sascha?

I quickly got my body up off the couch as Cadence smiled at me, Sascha looking confused at my

sudden movement. "Wow." I shook my head just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

"W-what's wrong?" Sascha asked out as Cadence knew exactly what I just got really uncomfortable


"Were you guys that couple in that room yesterday?" I felt my breathing begin to be a lot faster as I

gulped, hard.

"Couple that was together?" Cadence's deep voice enticingly let out as he smirked. "Yup."

I let out a weak exhale as I just looked away in shock, Sascha quickly speaking out. "What happened

Micah?" He curiously asked.

"I-uh, gotta go." I breathed out as I headed out towards the library, hearing Cadence quietly laugh

behind me as I felt genuinely uncomfortable now.

The second I got out of the library, I actually considered never wanting to go back. Seeing Sascha

slowly turn into someone I never thought he would become, felt really weird to me.

People change I guess..

A body quickly passed by me as my eyes that were looking down quickly looked up the second I

smelled a familiarly strong scent of cologne.

"Romeo." I let out, my voice slightly echoing through the hallway.

He remained quiet as we just stared at each other. His face was surprisingly softened and didn't throw

me a dirty look like he normally would.

His hand held the library door open as he waited for my response. "I-I just wanted to say thank you, for

driving me back to my cabin yester-" The sound of him quickly getting in the library interrupted me from

finishing my sentence.

I sighed as I looked back down. Now feeling like the dumbest person alive.

I just silently began to walk away from the library. I don't know what's going on but it feels like everyone

and everything is just annoying me today.

Jesse annoys me, Milan annoys me, Benny surprisingly annoys me, Sascha and Cadence annoys me,

Romeo annoys the fuck out of me, and most of all, I'm annoyed by myself.

Everyone is just being so annoying today and I don't know why. Am I possibly just having a man


I quietly cursed as I looked up the darkening sky, rain beginning to sprinkle everywhere.

Wow, I guess Mother Nature wants to be annoying too..

All of a sudden I tensed up, the vibration coming from my pocket quickly alerting me of a new text.

Get over it? Is he being serious? What the fuck.

Knowing Jesse, I know he knows I was just joking. I tried to fight the urge to smile now as I was kind of

curious to his response. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him too.

I began to laugh like an actual lunatic to myself as my cheeks quickly flushed. The picture he just sent

caught me so off guard that I couldn't even be mad at him anymore.

I slowly raised my phone back up, trying to contain my laughter as he looked so cute to me.

"Is that your boyfriend?" A deep voice whispered to my ear, making me immediately drop my phone as

I threw myself forward, away from the voice.

Romeo's hazel eyes pierced through mine as his face stayed dry from any expression.

I awkwardly grabbed my phone back up as I began to stutter. "N-no he's just my friend." I coughed,

checking if it cracked, it didn't, then rubbing my phone against my pants.

"Do you like him?" His jaws clenched at me as I was visibly taken a back from what he just asked.

"Y-yea, kinda." I quickly looked away from his eyes as I coughed again. "We're not dating though." I

quietly added, almost inaudible.

Romeo just sniffed as I glanced down at his hand, holding onto a small bag of rolled up joints, probably

coming from Cadence. "I need you to do what you promised to do." He sternly let out. "And you can't

say no anymore because you owe me so much for dealing with your bullshit last night, you don't even


"Wha-wait, what? W-what did I promise you?" I anxiously gulped again as I stared at him with widened


"Come." He all of sudden walked towards me and tightly grabbed onto my wrist, then pulling me

forward to follow him.

His other hand threw his hoodie on as I wasn't wearing a hoodie. Fuck I think we're gonna have to go

through the rain to reach his car.

We're going through the rain.

My mouth was flinching and my eyes were narrowed as I couldn't make Romeo let me go, the rain

starting to completely make me drenched as Romeo remained completely safe and dry underneath his


Once we reached his car, I honestly didn't know what to do since I was now a walking flood. "Get in."

He quickly ran to the other side.

"B-but I'm soaked!" I exclaimed, trying to process the rain continuing to pour out on me.

Why the hell didn't I protest in not wanting to walk under the rain to get wet?

"Just get the fuck in!" He loudly exclaimed back as I groaned out in annoyance, my hand rapidly

opening the car door to get in.

After completely watching my clothes begin to immediately make everything inside the car wet, Romeo

just surprisingly glanced at me and smiled.

Wait, smiled?

Romeo smiling?

Since when?

"Go ahead." He turned his body at me as I was shivering, my whole body completely freezing. "Do it."

My eyes awkwardly shifted as I was insanely confused. "W-what are you talking about?" My teeth were

uncontrollably hitting against each other as my damp clothes stuck tightly against my cold skin.

Romeo's hazel eyes looked down as he just sighed. "Last night you promised you would help me."

I tried to hold in my insanely disheveled emotions as I was still confused. "R-Romeo I don't remember

anything from last night." My voice beginning to grow louder.

Silence took over the car as I was awaiting for his response. "Before you got off the car to go back to

your cabin, you said you'd talk to me about something to see if I really am, you know, gay." My mouth

dropped as he sounded slightly disgusted to say the word, but whatever.

I crinkled my face as I ran my hand through my messily wet hair. "Romeo, I was drunk, I honestly don't

remember saying that."

"Alright then." He quickly turned towards the steering wheel, his jaw tightly clenching. "Get out of my


My mouth all of a sudden dropped. "W-wait no, please." I quietly begged. Romeo's face slowly turned

towards me as I continued to speak again. "L-look, when you're gay, you'd know. It's not something that

just randomly comes up."

"Get out of my car." He deeply repeated, quickly throwing me a dirty look.

I bravely ignored his command. "Romeo, just because I told you I'd do something when I was drunk,

doesn't mean I'm not willing to do it anymore when I'm sober. Please, let me help." I sniffed, blinking

the water droplets off my lashes.

Romeo remained quiet as he was heavily breathing, making me continue to talk. "W-when you were

young, did you ever feel weird around other guys?" I asked breathily.

"No." He bluntly let out.

"Okay, well, when you were young, did you kinda like feminine stuff more?"

"What does that mean?" He sharply asked.

"Uh." I ran my hand across my wet face as I leaned back against the cold car seat. "Like dolls, toy


"Ew no." He bluntly let out again. "Hot wheels and G.I Joe were my shit." Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I just blinked at him. "Um. Okay." I sighed. "You are answering my questions honestly right?"

Romeo threw me another dirty look. "Are you saying all gay guys have to like playing with feminine


I quickly crinkled my face as I shook my head. "N-no, of course not, I'm just asking. Gay guys are all

different in a good way, not all have to like playing with dolls." I spoke fast. "I think the real question

now is, have you ever felt attracted to another guy before?"

My question made the entire car quiet, the rain the only thing making noise now. "I don't, I don't know."

He shrugged, his voice soft.

"Are you mostly attracted to girls or boys?" I couldn't help but urgently ask him, hopefully not sounding

like I'm starting to get annoyed of him because I'm not.

"I don't know." He just shrugged once more.

"Well, let's see." I quietly clicked my mouth. "You dated Ivy. Did you feel any attraction for her?"

"I liked talking to her. She was funny. We never kissed or anything." His tone kept calm and surprisingly

soft. "Would I fuck her? I don't know."

"Have you ever, thought about doing it with another guy?" I asked, trying not to make it awkward.

"Ew no. I'm not down to have a dick inside me." He winced out of pure disgust.

I tried to hold in an amused smile as I just spoke again. "Well it doesn't have to work that way. Y-you

could be the one putting it inside someone else." Oh well, this conversation is gonna be awkward

regardless of how much I try not to make it awkward.

"I know that."

"Okay well, how do you feel about that?" Wow, I sound like a therapist.

"I don't know." He answered the same thing again, beginning to genuinely make me feel hopeless.

Odd how he didn't react to that question in a disgusted way though. "I-I don't know what to say." I

genuinely sounded like I was out of words as he just glanced at me.

"So, I'm not gay then?" He asked out of nowhere.

I ignored him with another question. "Have you ever kissed a guy before?" Silence struck around the

car once again as I felt my body start to warm up.

"N-no." He abnormally breathed out, his piercingly light brown eyes meeting mine as they slowly

scanned over my face.

"Would you want to?"

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