Camp Closeted

Chapter 31: Everything is Bigger In Texas

Chapter 31: Everything is Bigger In Texas

I unwrapped the thick towels around me as I was slightly shocked at the air not being too cold.

The night began to take over as darkness loomed over the sky. Luckily enough, piercing moonlight

reflected off of the gorgeous black lake, offering us some light.

Jesse's muscular arms flexed as he rowed the boat with ease. "Micah." He let out my name smoothly.


"Do you like scary movies?"

"Hm." I took a quick pause. I quickly shook my head. "Not really. I've always been easily scared as a

kid, and I still am." I sighed, never getting used to his random questions that came out of nowhere.


Jesse all of a sudden stopped paddling and his smile diminished, his eyes freakishly stabbing at me,

causing me to tense back away. "Because I'm about to kill you." His voice was monotone.

My eyes immediately widened. "Wha-Jesse." My voice cracked.

He all of a sudden cracked out a loud laugh. "You're right, you are easily scared."

"Don't do that!" I nervously let out. "Are you into horror or something?"

"Favorite genre." He adorably smirked, only the sounds of his rowing filled our ears. "I used to watch it

all the time with my dad before I got kicked out." His sharp jawline clenched.

I sheepishly spoke again, not being able to contain my curiosity. "Kicked out?"

Jesse slowly nodded as he licked his lips. "After my mom died, my dad didn't get the concept of me

being bisexual. He thought I just made it up so I can hide me being gay." He quickly stopped rowing.

"He thinks that only gay people exist." He let out a deep tired laugh.

I replied quietly. "I'm really sorry about your loss and you having to deal with that. There's nothing

worse than having a parent who doesn't understand." He remained quiet as I spoke again. "Who are

you with now?"

"Aunt." He answered blankly. "She's the only one in the family who understands me. She signed me up

for this camp and so I flew here."

"Flew? Where are you from?" I asked with a subtly raised brow.

"Italy." He answered, his blue eyes shimmering at me as I felt my breath start to hitch. "My mom is

African American and my dad is Italian. What about you?"

The canoe slowly moved by itself as I sat comfortably against the edge, my eyes glancing at myself on

the black reflective water. "My mom is from Texas. She gave birth to me there before coming here to

Amphitrite. My dad, well." I took a deep breath before answering, trying to collect my thoughts to

answer. "My dad is also from Texas but he left before I was born."

"Well he missed out on a really cute baby." Jesse's comment made me laugh out of intimidation, his

eyes scanning every single part of my face as my cheeks began to burn. "Not even trying to bullshit

but, are guys from Texas normally really hot like you?" He asked with a serious tone, genuinely wanting

to know.

Butterflies began to roam inside me as I felt my cheeks continue to redden. "I really wouldn't know, I

moved here to Amphitrite right after I was born." Jesse and I stared at each other as I continued. "But

there is a saying from Texas that my mom always says." I quietly held in my incoming laugh.

Jesse quickly moved closer as he seemed so intrigued, resting his adorable face on top of his hand as

he looked at me. "What's the saying?" His voice was now a lot gentle and charming, the canoe slightly

rocking from his sudden movement.

"It's so cringey." I tried to hold in my laughter as he kept watching me with eyes of curiosity. "Everything

is bigger in Texas!" I quickly laughed in embarrassment as Jesse looked at me amused, my hands

covering my now burning face.

Jesse watched me explode out in laughter as I was internally cringing at myself. "Wait, really?" He

gaped. "Is it a sexual innuendo or everything is actually bigger over there?"

I quickly shrugged as my eyes shifted left and right. "I really wouldn't know. Most likely a sexual

innuendo, I think."

"Well shit, between you and me, it's probably not true." He slightly furrowed his brows at me. "I think I'm

way bigger than you." He added out of nowhere, making me quickly throw him a confused facial


"What does that supposed to mean?" I couldn't help but smile at him like a freak as he acted clueless.

"Nothing. I'm just saying." He tried to hold in his devilish laughter as my confusion only delved in


"And?" I trailed off so he could finish.

"Just wanted to be up front about it." He innocently shrugged as I was still laughing.

I couldn't help but just smirk at him, my heart always racing at the thought of him always wanting to cut

any space between us. "Your eyes are really nice." I complimented out of nowhere.

I think his sudden outbursts of compliments and questions is starting to rub off on me.

"Thanks, yours are pretty nice too." He moved towards me to take a closer look, making me throw him

a subtly weirded out facial expression. "Yours are like, hazel blue." He enchantingly smirked as his

crystal blue eyes looked up and down at me, his thick lashes beautifully batting.

All of a sudden, something else proceeded to steal both of our attention.

"Holy shit!" My mouth widened as I began to look around us. "No way!"

Breathtaking yellowish lights began to beautifully flash around us as fireflies surrounded the boat.

I felt like I was in a movie and I didn't realize that nature could be this amazing. "I've only ever seen

these things in movies. I never thought they were actually this beautiful up close." I cheered, examining

every single bright glimmer of light. "I wonder how they light up."

"At least their kind of making it easier for me to see." Jesse's determined gaze squinted to see how far

we were from land. "My secret place is near here, so we're pretty close to the camp." His voice let out

quietly, turning his attention back at the fireflies.

I continued to look around as I was still trying to process the massive amount of lights that surrounded


Jesse's voice appeared again. "Hope you don't mind, but I gotta ask." I quickly looked back at him.

"Why does your nose bleed every time I kiss you?" He bit his lip in curiosity as I sighed at the question.

I took a moment to reply, but I finally did. "My nose bleeds only when I'm nervous." My voice was

audibly embarrassed as his mouth quickly widened. "That's how it's always been ever since I was

young. I was always bullied about it in middle school. People can be so mean but it's actually

something I'm really insecure about."

"I make you nervous?" He raised a perfectly structured brow at me as shadows casted by the moon

began to define his perfect face. I nodded sheepishly, making his mouth quickly widen out more as he

spoke louder from happiness. "Micah that's so fucking cute!"

"Not really." I threw him a look of denial as he replied.

"Yes it is! I find that really cute for some reason." He looked at me directly as our legs brushed against

each other. "I don't want you to be nervous of me though. What's there to be nervous about anyway?"

His question about me being nervous just made me nervous and I'm nervous to answer this question

about me being nervous because I'm nervous right now!

Thankfully, I still found the strength to answer. "I don't know. You're just so built and tall, and also it

doesn't help your eyes are so intimidating. You're just dreamy I guess and all of it makes me so

nervous." I admitted as I couldn't help but begin to rant about him being so unfairly attractive.

Jesse looked at me completely and utterly shocked as to how careless I was to compliment him. "Wow,

way to boost my self esteem." He chuckled deeply as my eyes widened at him. "I'm kidding, but no one

has really complimented me like that before, not even my exes, so thank you." His cheeks warmed up

to me.

"Speaking of exes, why does Tristan try and make sure you don't date anyone else anyway?" I couldn't

help but ask.

He just shrugged as his eyes looked off to the distance. "Dick was too bomb so it made him crazy." I

narrowed my eyes at him as he loudly chuckled, slightly echoing around us. "Tristan and I were just

together for such a long time. Such a long time to the point that none of us even broke up with each

other, but instead, just faded away."

"If you guys just faded away and stopped talking why does he care so much?" My voice was a lot more

stern this time as Jesse noticed this but he ignored it.

Jesse sighed. "Probably seeing me with other people just constantly reminds him of us never having a

closure. I moved on, he clearly hasn't."

I remained quiet and still as the canoe slowly reached the shallows, Jesse's shirtless self quickly

hopping off to pull the canoe closer to land.

The water was just below his chest as I couldn't help but glance at his perfectly chiseled body.

"Oh so you're just gonna keep sitting there while I pull the boat in?" Jesse and I stared at each other as

I laughed, the boat slowly moving closer to land as his strong muscular arms pulled it in.

"Yea." I nodded my head at him as he clicked his mouth. "Because look!" I quickly pointed at the water

that he walked through with ease. "Water looks so scary at night and I'm not about to hop off."

Jesse playfully rolled his bright blue eyes to the side. "Stop being such a fucking princess!" He teased,

splashing some water on me as I gasped.

"Jesse! Fuck you!" I widened my eyes at him, processing the cold water hit against my skin. For

revenge, I quickly tilted to the side of the boat for my hand to reach in the water and splash him back.

"I'm not a princess!"

The second water hit him, he rapidly fell back against the dark water, my face immediately turning

blank as his whole body submerged underneath the black mirror.

I rolled my eyes as I waited for him to get back up and tell me it was a joke, but he didn't.

I scrunched my eyebrows together as I quickly looked over the boat, trying my best to see if Jesse was

visible, which he wasn't.

As I glanced down at the pitch black water that only showed me my reflection, a strong pair of hands

rapidly snatched me down, making the boat fall to the side and flip over, making my whole body fall into

the frozen water.

The water cut out my yelp as my whole body was submerged into the terrifyingly dark lake.

After my whole body processed the cold water that wrapped all over my skin, I finally resurfaced back

up. Jesse's cold hands snaked around my bare waist as I let out a loud gasp that blended in with his

loud husky laugh.

"Why!" I groaned out in annoyance. "I was already dry!" My teeth began to hit against each other as his

face was only inches away from mine.

"I like you better wet." He winked, making me uncontrollably blush as he brought his warm lips against


His captivating kiss was sent with incredible intent, making my body slightly move back against the

water as his hands cupped against my cheeks.

Even though the cold water surrounded our bodies, our kiss still managed to warm up something in me. Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

I smiled widely at him, my breathing growing in an unstable pattern to cope with the cold. "We need to

get back. I'm freezing to death thanks to you." I quickly turned away as I began to help him bring the

boat in.

"You're welcome." Jesse breathed, smirking at me as his wet black hair was perfectly sleeked back,

water trailing down his abs and down to his v line as we walked back to land.

Jesse dropped the canoe that was successfully hauled in now as he looked back at me slowly. He had

fear painted in his eyes as they didn't directly meet mine but something behind me.

His feet quickly jolted as he began to run. "Micah there's something behind you!" He exclaimed loudly,

his deep voice slightly echoing through the tall trees and out to the moonlit water.

My heart rapidly picked up as I didn't even look back, trying my best to catch up to his immeasurable

speed. My breathing was loudly audible now as my hand swatted across the countless branches that

began to hit my face.

"J-Jesse!" He was way too fast as his plush shirtless body began to be lost in the distance in front of

me, dark leaves and large trees creating ever flowing barriers and shields to block my sight of him. "H-

hey wait."

I weakly tripped on a stiff log and fell perfectly on both of my now dirty palms as I quickly picked myself

up and continued to sprint. After moments of torturing silence, I finally stopped running as I couldn't

help but hastily look around in fear. I felt like I was lost now as my heart was the only thing audible to

me now, only making it beat harder. "Jesse!" I couldn't hear the sounds of his feet hitting the ground

anymore as both of my arms ruffled into my hair in growing fright of the unknown.

After a few moments of feeling myself go through absolute trepidation and anxiety, sounds of growing

footsteps began to make it self known on the ground as it was hard to decipher which way it was

coming because of darkening nightfall.

I felt fear in a way I couldn't explain before as I looked like a lunatic spinning trying to catch the fast

footsteps and where it was coming from. After moments of it becoming only louder it finally became

inches close to me.

Just before I could've reacted, a body rapidly tackled me down against the ground, causing sounds of

leaves to fly up around me as my mouth unconsciously opened to the pain that emitted on my back.

Jesse's raven hair fell perfectly over his face as his lips plunged into my mouth, causing me to breath

into him only making him kiss me harder. Sensuous feelings of pleasure and excruciating aches of pain

began to mix in with my body. My eyes couldn't help but roll back as the pain got worse, feeling like I

was out of breath as if Jesse was kissing life back into me.

I didn't know wether to be pissed at him or want him even more.

His shirtless body was hard but it moved against mine delicately. His muscles absolutely devoured me

as our wet skin stuck against each other, reluctant in separating. His chest was undeniably firm as I felt

every part of his chiseled muscle and skin flow closely with mine.

His lower body molded against mine as I felt every part of him. "You-" He kissed me deeply.

"We're-" He moaned as I felt our hearts beat in the same pattern.

"So scared." He chuckled through the kiss as I couldn't help but do the same exact thing.

"Asshol-" I failed to speak as his lips didn't bother to stop, his legs opening mine against the ground as

I began to chuckle louder.

He rapidly snapped his face away from mine, his deep blue ocean eyes the only thing remotely visible

to me now as I just knew he had on his usually devilish smirk.

"I would never let anything hurt you." He planted one last kiss on me as my whole body circulated with

incredible heat. "Let's go pussy." I stayed quiet in shock as I licked my lips, not being able to even deny

how badly I wished he never stopped kissing me.

What a once in a lifetime canoeing experience..

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