Be My Wifey Or Lose Your Job

Chapter 11 Going on a dinner date with him

For some strange reason, I felt better when he placed his hand on mine.

“First time?.”he asked.

I nodded then looked out of the window.

“Well, it’s normal, it’s nothing to be shy of. Everyone is always scared in the first time.”he said, to make me feel better, perhaps.

“I’m not everyone, and, who said that I’m scared?.”I lied.

He stifled a laugh and I turned to him.

“What’s funny?.”I frowned.

He rubbed the bridge of his nose and turned to the other side.

A lady in white shirt and black skirt walked to us and bowed.

“What would you like to take, Sir?.”she asked politely.

“Anything the lady take.”he replied and she turned to me.

“What do you prefer, ma’am?.”she asked with a smile.

“Anything.”I smiled back.

“Anything as in what, ma’am.”

“Anything as in.. dessert.”I pressed my lips together.

“Oh, alright.”she said and scribbled something down on her jotter before walking away.

George cleared his throat beside me and I turned to him.

“Just so you know, I don’t like sweet.”he said as he adjusted on his seat.

“Yeah?, who cares.”I shrugged.


The plane landed at Paris airport and we all got down.

I sighed and smiled.

Here I come, Paris.

The driver that was going to drive us to where we will be staying is already waiting for us.

We got inside the car and he zoomed off.

George said he will be going directly to where he’s having a meeting and the driver will drop I and Beck off at the hotel we will be residing in.

After a long time, the driver pulled off in front of a tall building and Beck turned to me.

“Here we are, Jan. Let’s go.”and she got down.

As I made to step out also, George pulled my back by my arm softly.

Huh?..NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

I turned to him with a quizzical look and he sighed.

“Stop giving me that look. Here.”he brought out a box and proffered it to me.

I twitched a little before collecting it from him.

“What’s in here?.”I asked curiously.

“A phone. I notice you didn’t bring your phone along when you’re coming to the mansion so I decided to get you a new one. I already have my number stored there incase you wanna call me.”he explained.


“And why would I wanna call you?.”I rolled my eyes.

“Well, who knows, you might get lost.. you know.. Paris is a big city.”he shrugged with a light smile.

I scoffed and clicked the door opened then hop out.

“Take care.”I heard him say before the driver drove off..

I looked up at the building and saw it was an hotel.

I opened my mouth to pronounce the name but it was way difficult.

I’m not that good in French.

After several attempts to pronounce the name of the hotel and not getting it, I quit.

I ran after Beck who was already walking towards the building.

We got inside and walked to the counter.

“Welcome, mademoiselles.”the guy behind the counter threw a warm smile at us.

I returned the smile and he and Beck started talking in French.

After some minutes, he handed some keys to Beck and she turned to me.

“Let’s go, Janelle. I already book two rooms for us.”she said.

She started walking away and I followed suite.

“Isn’t… isn’t it too much?.. I mean you said you book two rooms, isn’t that too much.. we could both share a room and that would have saved you some money.”I said as we walked along the lobby.

“Oh, dear. You’re funny. You’re an adult and you need your privacy and I’m sure this is what George would want also.. he might want to FaceTime with you and you guys will clearly need me out of sight because you won’t be free with me around. And, you’re a princess to me, Janelle. So, you should be treated like one.”

We got to the room and while Beck went to room 105, I went to 106.

I collapsed on the bed Immediately I entered the room.


This feels so soft..

I sat up and bounced on the bed.

The interior decoration In the room is rich and.. this feels so good.


Beck came to knock on the door and when I opened it, she said we would have to head over to where we’re getting my wedding dress.

I grabbed my new phone, I already brought it out of the carton when we got here and headed out of the hotel with her.

The Uber she ordered took us to the building.

We both got down and moved inside the place.

We took the stairs up and got to a room.

Beck placed a knock on the door and a woman opened it up.

She screamed softly and hugged Beck tightly.

I watched as they exchanged their pleasantries.

The woman later turned to me and asked Beck if I was the one and Beck nodded.

“Awnnn… she’s such a cupcake.”she smiled at me revealing her perfect set of white teeth.

She kissed me on my both cheeks and told us to come inside.

She locked the door before turning to us.

“Have your seat, please.”she gestured over to the couch in the room.

“Thanks.”I said and sat down on the couch with Beck.

The woman walked over to a small bar in the room and came back with a bottle of wine and three glasses.

She placed it on the center table a d decanted some wine in the glasses.

“I’m sorry I can’t offer something better than this.. I know this is unlike the expensive wine you always have back at home.”she said as she offered a glass to me.

Have I drink a cheap wine before talk less of the expensive one.

“Nay, it’s fine, thanks.”I smiled and collected the glass from her.

She handed one to Beck and took other.

I sipped from my wine quietly and scoured my eyes around the room.

“So, Colette, we are here for the dress you and I discussed about on the phone yesterday.”Beck started.

“Oh, right. Many people are requesting for that dress but thankfully, I managed to keep one for you.”the woman – Collette said as she walked over to another room.

She came back with a wedding gown and placed it gently on the couch.

“Go try it out in the room, Jan.”Beck said.

I nodded and placed the glass down on the table gently then grabbed the dress and went to the room.

I stripped out of my dress and put the dress on.

I went to stand in front of the mirror and stared at myself.


I placed my palm on my lips and smiled.

This is beautiful.

The gown is an off shoulder and the fibre clutch tightly to my upper body and it is full below.

I walked back to the room where Beck and Collette was and they both gasped.

“Oh,. my!. You look absolutely gorgeous in that.. it will definitely sweep the groom off his feet. You nailed the fashion dear. More than the lady that modelled the dress for us.. you’re really good.”Collette complimented and I blushed slightly.

Beck stood up and smiled in satisfaction.

“We will take this, Collette. And, call your girl to bring up some other cloths.. we won’t just be buying a wedding dress.”

“Of course. I’ll make sure you model for us some time, Jan.”Collette said as she walked over to her desk and grabbed the landline then dialed a number.

“Hey, crystal. Bring some clothes up here.”


We went back to the hotel with several shopping bags.

Now, that we’ve got what we came here for, we should probably go back to Phoenix, right?. But Beck said we will stay back for some few days to catch some fun and, I couldn’t be less happy.

I will have time to take a tour around Paris.

I laid on my bed in the night, staring at the ceiling with my hands placed on my tummy.

My phone buzzed and I grabbed it.

It’s a message.. from George.

I sat up and tapped on it.

*Hey. Let’s have dinner together. My driver will come pick you up.*it reads.


I searched for what to wear and finally settled on a red dinner gown.

I went to have a quick shower and came back to the room and dried my body with a towel and wore the dress.

The dress was showing my cleavage and I find that uncomfortable but, this is the only dinner gown I have.

I slipped out of the room and bumped into Beck immediately.

“Huh?, where are you going?.”

“I… uh.. George and I are having dinner together. He.. texted me a while ago.”I replied.


“Yeah. Though I’m kinda uncomfortable with the way my cleavage is showing in this dress.”I sighed.

“Oh, come on. That’s the beauty of the dress and it looks good on you.”she smiled.

“Thanks, mom.”

“Have you order a cab?.”

“Nope. George driver will be coming to pick me up.”

“Okay, then. Bye.”

I moved out of the building and sighted the driver waiting for me in front of the hotel.

“Good evening, Ma’am.”he bowed to me.


He opened the backseat door for me and I hop in then he shut the door

He came to occupy the driver’s seat and ignited the engine then drove off.


He pulled off in front of a big restaurant.

An orchestra music was playing inside.

I got down from the car and headed inside.

All heads turned to look at me.. mostly guy’s as I entered.


I hate to be an attention puller.

I sighted George from afâr and started walking towards his table.

He was pressing his phone..

“Hey.”I breathed out and sat down on the chair opposite his.

“You’re here. Hey.”he smiled and I nodded.

A guy winked at me and I darted my eyes away from him shyly.

I shouldn’t have wear this.

George’s eyes moved to cleavage then up to my face.



George’s Pov.

Winks, smiles, lustful eyes – those are what the guys were throwing at her.

I balled my fist and blinked.

“Let me guess. Mom picked this dress for you to wear?.”I asked..

“Yes and no.”she replied.

I furrowed my brows in confusion.

“Yes, she said the dress is good. No, I picked it by myself.”she added.

She smiled at a direçtion and I traced where her gaze was.

It landed on a guy and I glared hard at him.

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