Barren Heiress Returns With Quadruplet


Kamille’s POV

Settling down in a new place had to be the worst job I had tried in my entire life. It wasn’t as fun as it sounded afterall.

Looking at the beautifully arranged and decorated house, I smiled in satisfaction. Now I just had one more thing to do to make settling in complete.

I moved to the living room, sat on a sofa close to the window where I can admire the beautiful orchids growing wild up the terrace.

After a few rings, a voice came on the other end of the line, “Hello, Miss Smith on the line. How may I help you?” The voice was warm and welcoming.

I smiled. “I would like to hire a nanny for my kids.” She asked a couple of other questions before our call came to an end. My children deserved the best nanny since I was going to be busy here in London. I had no plans of exposing them to dirt I had to clean up.

Darkness clouded the skies in no time. I went up to the children’s room. The boys stayed together in separate beds, while Tyris had a room of her own pretty close to mine.

“Time to go to bed kids.” I said interrupting their play. I was expecting the grumbling that came after the announcement every other night but none came.

I tucked the boys in and picked up Tyris. I sat in the rocking chair close to the beds and began singing them a lullaby.

White glows the Lillie’s,

Red glows the rose,

Here lies my babies,

I’m watching how they glow..

Early on in my marriage to Zeke, I always sang it to him. The thought brought back memories that I didn’t want to entertain. I smiled in pains as my children fell asleep. I sang for them every night.

My eyes hurt.

I rose up and took Tyris to her room. As soon as I closed the door, my eyes gave way to tears. I hurried back into my room and cried a little more.

Shit! I had to do something. Fuck Zeke!

I wiped my tears and left the room. I went down to the basement where I was yet to unpack a few boxes. I searched till I found my phone book tucked away in one of my bags. I smiled.

I started running my eyes through the pages, followed by my index finger through every line till I found the numbers I was looking for right on the same page; one next to the other. Amanda and Belle, the only persons I can rely on in London unlike people I called Family.

I quickly typed out the first number and just as I was about to hit the call button, I paused.

This was it. This call would set the pace for what’s about to hit my family and Zeke.

I realeased a heavy breath I didn’t realize I was holding, then I hit the call button.

“Hello, this is Amanda, how may I help you?” she responded loud enough for me to hear.

Loud music, DJ’s mixtape, party cheers and loud chatters, she was at the club! Amanda was still the same free spirited young lady I knew. An excellent content creator with beautiful ideas.

“Hello, who am I speaking with?” She asked jerking me back from my thoughts.

“It’s me, Kamille.” I replied with calm. No response and gradually the background noises became distant.

“Now you fucking listen to me. I don’t know what stupid games you’re playing but if you decide to impersonate my friend, you’ll wish it was actually you in the grave!” She yelled.

My heart melted at her words of defense. I smiled and blinked away the tears that was forming at the corners of my eyes. “Oh Amanda, It is really me. I am alive and well. I am currently in London.” I replied in a calm tone.

“I’m giving you one more chance to stop spitting lies from your mouth.” She replied still not convinced.

I took a deep breath, “I know everyone thinks I died that day in the car accident but I didn’t. Well, I mean I almost did, but a good samaritan saved me. After the news went out that I was dead, I decided to leave the country and build a new life away from the challenges I was going through.” I explained.

“Wait, Kamille, is this really you?” She asked calmly.

“Yes, it is,” I responded. No response, then a little sniff from her end.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

“I’m sorry it’s just so hard to believe that it is really you Kamille. It’s been four fucking years!” She screamed.

“I know and I’m sorry I’m only reaching out now.” I replied as I fiddled with the hem of my blouse.

“Oh dear Kamille. How I missed you. I cried for so long. I want to see you. No, I need to feel you. Where are you?” She asked, her voice laced with too many emotions than words could fathom.

I missed them too much more than I thought I did. I quickly texted her an address.

With a strengthened resolve, I rang Belle’s home line. After a few rings she picked and greeted. “Hi, Belle, it’s Kamille, your friend,” I replied and awaited her response.

She gasped, “Kamille, the dead Kamille?”. She was quite the opposite of Amanda; She is calm and composed. She was a dermatologist and had her life organized just like her response.

“Yes,” I replied. “I mean, no. I didn’t die. I was saved and I had to travel out to the US after the news of my death spread.” I explained. She was too calm and collected. I didn’t know if she believed it was me. Sighs.

“Kamille, I don’t know what to say. I mean I don’t even know how to react to this.” She replied.

“How about we meet? You, Amanda and myself at the spot I will text you now. Can you meet me there?” I asked.

“Now? Why not? I will be on my way as soon as I get the text.”

“Okay.” I replied, then the line went dead.

I dropped the phone book and headed back to my room. I took a cold shower, thereafter I put on a pair of black leather jacket and pants with a black camisole, and put on a pair of boot heels. satisfied with how I looked, I left the room.

Ding Dang!

I got to the door to check who it was and I met an elderly lady with a warm smile.

“Hello Miss Manor. I’m Nanny Dona. I was sent by the agency you called requesting for the nanny.” She said,

“Oh, come in.” I invited her in and offered her a seat. I was surprised the agency allowed elderly people to work. I needed someone older but I believe I wasn’t expecting her to be this elderly.

I engaged her in a question-and-answer session so I could get to know her better. I checked her portfolio over again. Contrary to my expectation, she passed the credibility check but I wasn’t sure about it.

Sensing my doubts, she said, “You need not worry Miss Manor. Your children will be safe with me. I mothered seven children and took care of them alone.” I saw the pride in her eyes as she spoke which made me relaxed. I gave her the job and showed her around the house.

“I’m stepping out now Nanny Dona. I won’t be long so I will return to relieve you in a short while.” I told her and she nodded in response.

Let’s do this Kamille!

I Left the house.

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