Bargain Bride: The Billionaire’s Forced Wife

Protected or Caged?

“I WANT TO GO OUTSIDE,” Chiara told the guards who are blocking her way out.

The five guards all shook their heads. “Apologies, signora. But we can’t let you out.”

Chiara blew out a harsh breath. Since that party, she was never allowed to leave the house even with bodyguards. Every movement of her was being monitored by either Ezio, a guard, or any other servant in the house.

“I just want to take a short walk. I’ll be back after 15 minutes,” she responded, trying to convince the guards.

“Still a no, signora,” one the guards with silver hair said. “Signor Ezio told us not to let you out without him.”

Chiara’s head started to get hot. “Why do I have to wait for him? It’s a damn walk! I won’t escape or anything!”

“It’s for your safety, signora. Please just stay within the premises of the mansion.”

Knowing that they wouldn’t bulge, Chiara went inside the house once again while clenching his fists.

“Argh!” she exclaimed while pulling her hair. “I hate this!”

One of the maids went near her. “Signora, we can take you to the garden. You can walk around there,” she suggested.

Chiara turned her head to the maid. “I’ve been doing that for the past days. I want to see a new scenery!”

The maid couldn’t do anything to fulfill her lady’s request. Even if she wants to accompany the lady outside, they wouldn’t be able to pass the gate.

Ezio tightened the security, after all. Since the day of the party where Giovanni threatened him, he did everything to make sure that his wife will be safe.

He added more trusted guards in and around the house. He also installed more cameras and hired people to check every meal that Chiara will eat. He couldn’t let a single mistake pass. Just one wrong move and his beloved’s life will be in danger.

Even though Ezio’s intention is pure, it didn’t give a good effect on Chiara’s perspective.

For Chiara, her husband is trying to control every aspect of her life. She felt like he’s caging her like a prisoner. She felt like Ezio’s slowly taking over of everything. From everything she will eat, to people she will talk to, everything is under his control.

She couldn’t even have the privacy she deserves because of the cameras scattered around the house. She couldn’t do what she wants without consulting him first.

It’s exhausting. It’s making her choke.

This became the usual routine in Chiara’s life for days. Waking up, eating breakfast, trying to convince the guards to let her out, denied, staying inside the house or at the garden, and spend the rest of the day inside the house until she falls asleep.

It’s too boring, but exhausting at the same time. During those days, Chiara very seldom saw her husband. She will wake up to know that Ezio already left for work, and Ezio will came home to know that his wife is already asleep.

But not today.

Chiara was greeted by Ezio’s manly scent when she walked down to the dining area. Hurriedly, she walked big steps and preparing herself for their conversation – a conversation to convince Ezio to let her out.

“Ezio,” she spoke to the man sitting on the dining table, his back facing her.

Slowly, Ezio put down the cup of coffee and turned his body towards his wife. “Good morning, cara.”

She didn’t waste any time and went straight right to her point. “I want to go out later. To the park.”

Without giving it a second thought, Ezio shook his head. “No.”

Chiara’s face turned sour when she heard that. “Care to tell me why? The park is just a 5-minute walk. I’ll be home in no time.”

“No. You’ll stay here,” Ezio repeated. “You can explore the other parts of the mansion if you want. Just do not go outside the gate.”

She blew a loud breath. “I’ve been doing that for these past days! I already memorized the blueprint of this mansion!” she exclaimed. “I want to go out! You can’t keep me here forever!”

“You don’t understand, cara,” Ezio responded and stood up. “You can’t go out. You don’t know how dangerous it is for you out there.”

“And why would it be dangerous for me? I don’t have any enemy who can hurt me,” she replied.

“But I have lots of them,” Ezio answered.

Chiara created a small chuckle. “And what does it have to do with me? They’re your enemies, not mine.”

“Because you’re my wife. That’s why.”

She always knew that Ezio has a lot of rivals in his business. Chiara is aware how dirty those people can be, and how they can use other people to destroy their enemy. But her mind is too close to process everything.

On the back of Ezio’s mind, he is doing this to make sure that his wife will be safe. He has a good intention, but what he doesn’t know is that keeping her inside is just a temporary escape from the reality.

On the other hand, Chiara thought that her life is only in danger because of Ezio. He is a bad news to her. Her life was in chaos because of him. She cannot understand and appreciate the fact that Ezio is doing his best for her welfare.

“Maybe if I’m not your wife, my life wouldn’t be in danger,” Chiara spoke her impulsive thoughts.

Those words were like the switch that made Ezio’s day ruined. Even though he did his best to deny it, it is always a fact that his enemies are after Chiara because of him.

He brought her to danger.

Ezio quickly turned his sight away from her, hiding his hurting eyes. “Let’s just talk about it later.”

“I can’t wait for later!” Chiara shouted. “Let’s settle this now!”

“I have to go to my office. I’ll finish everything before we talk about this matter,” Ezio slowly walked pass his wife. “See you.”

Chiara turned her body towards him. “You can’t just leave without resolving this issue!” she exclaimed. “It’s your enemies who caused this! Yet I’m the one who’s suffering! You can freely go out and go wherever you want, yet I’m stuck inside this mansion! This is unfair!”

Her words fell on deaf ears. She even tried to go after her husband, but Ezio was too fast. Before she could step outside the door, Ezio’s car is already pulling away.

“I hate you!” she screamed at the top of her lungs. She even picked up a small stone and threw it on his car, but it didn’t even reach the target.

Chiara felt so frustrated that she felt her tears starting to fall from her eyes. Before they could escape, she hurriedly ran to her room and locked herself.

The knocks and voices of their maid telling her go get out were nothing. She poured all of her tears out while dialing the number of the people she wants to talk go for a long time.

“Mom, Dad,” Chiara’s voice cracked while talking to her parents.

Her parents, on the other line, suddenly became worried when they heard the voice of their only child.

“Mi figlia,” her mom called Chiara. “What happened? Are you crying? Did Ezio hurt you?”

She shook her head even though they can’t see each other. “Mom, I want to go home.”

“We know, mi figlia. We know you don’t want to be there,” her dad said. “Just divorce him and go home. I’m sure we can a way out.”

“But he will punish you both,” she said, almost sounding like a whisper. Ezio’s words on their first meeting echoed on her mind.

She closed her eyes. Just the thought of her parents living in prison is pure torture for her. They’re already old, and her father is on medication. They won’t survive such cruel environment.

“But it’s hurting you being with him. Nevermind me and your dad,” her mother told her with a soothing voice. “It’s our fault things turned out this way. You don’t have to sacrifice your life and future for us.”

But Chiara’s mind is already made up. In her heart and mind, it is better that she will be the one receiving the torturous life instead of her parents.

Her heart can’t take seeing her parents behind the bars and eating prisoner’s food.

Living with Ezio is better than living in prison.

“I’m sorry, Mom, Dad,” she said before taking a deep breath. “I love you both.”

She ended the call without waiting for their response. Chiara lay down on her bed and stared at the ceiling for several minutes. Her mind imagining things that could have happened if Ezio didn’t enter her life.

She could have been living her best life with her parents, and Simone.

As if on a cue, her phone vibrated and a certain message pops up on its screen.

It was from Mazzini. Usually, getting a message from her friend is a good news. But as soon as she opened the chat, her whole body turned cold. Her heart started aching and her mind is in chaos.

“Tomorrow is Simone’s wedding. Aren’t you gonna do something?”This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

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