Bad Boy Isn’t My Type

Epilogue 1

Jennie Wilson POV

I wiped my tears, even they were flowing non stop. I closed my eyes, feeling like my mind was going to overload.

Something squeezed my heart so hard, crushing it painfully slowly until it bled out in angst.

” JENNIE!!!” A familiar voice echoed through the compartment and I sprung up in anxiousness.

” JENNIE!?” Everything stilled in me, my breath increasing, my eyes widening when I gaped at him…


He was looking here and there calling me, searching for me. I wiped my tears and moved from my place.

” Vincent!” I cried out and ran towards him and his eyes zeroed to me, his eyes widening.

He was here…… he was literally here!

He ran and stood in front of me, both huffing badly, his eyes were drenched with tears too.

Please tell me he was actually came here for me even though the impenetrable barrier separated us……

We looked at each other as countless seconds ticked by, his intense emotions rooting up and I was entirely unaware of anyone in the compartment but him.

He inched towards me drowning me with so many emotions I couldn’t express.

” Jennie……” My name escaped from his lips again making my heart skip a beat.

From far I saw Taeyong and Rose huffing and puffing running towards us too.

” Are you serious Vincent! You climbed the running train just like that!!? You know how tensed we were! ” Taeyong came towards us barking at him.

He suddenly paused dumbfounded, looking at us as Vincent held me.

” Excuse me why-” Suddenly Taeyong closed Harper’s her mouth, dragging her out leaving us alone rendering me speechless.

My heartbeat was deafening to everything in anticipation, a sweet storm gushing in my mind and soul, stirring so many emotions in me.

” Vin-”

” It’s unfair……” Vincent let out a low deep whisper, his tears sliding shattering me deep within.

” You promised you will help me, stay beside me…… then why are you abandoning me now…?? ” Vincent wiped his tears, his motion little bit un coordinated.

There was no strong Vincent, the mask fell and I could see what he hid all this time, from the world…… his sorrow, his agony seeping through my soul.

” I… I… know you are going to your village for few days…… but why is my heart so frightened that you will leave me and never look back at me?? Why is a week like a never ending loop of time to me??”

Continuous tears rolled down my cheeks, I still couldn’t believe he was right in front me.

” You are always right…… I know you have every right to stay away from a vicious person like me…… but……” He paused, like he was struggling out to speak, the glint of fear clearly evident in his eyes.

” Can I be selfish for one last time?? Please? Can I be selfish once holding you back to myself……? Just to myself…… ”

His words struck a chord in my heart, his words producing so many butterflies in my stomach……

” Please don’t go…… please…… stay by side…… I want to change, I don’t want to return to that shell of darkness which holds me captive and no way out. ”

” I know I’m not a right person to you…… or anyone. I’m a damaged person…… but everything bloomed in me when I met you Jennie…… my world changed. I found myself changing……” His tears slid down faster, he held my wrists on his large warm hands.

He couldn’t bear the goodbye. Even though he was afraid, the emotions he was fighting to control began to flow.

I wished I could make his fear and agitation vanish and replace it with delight and bliss, drown him in his euphoria.

” I didn’t know how to tell you I’m broken without feeling needy…… I didn’t know how to open up without feeling judged, but you always understood me without me telling you.”

” Save me from myself because I am slowly but surely killing myself from the inside out these thoughts. I want to live again…… I want to live with you Jennie. Please don’t go……”

His unexpected words sliced me deep-the strong intense emotions seeping through me and I wanted to cry my heart out because he was suffering so much.

I hugged him tightly, wrapping my arms around him crying heavily. He lifted me up, holding me with equal passion.

I was weeping like a baby, holding onto him like my life was dependent on him, like he was my only anchor.

It was unbelievable. Everything was out of blue, and I had yet to get to grips with what was happening between us now.

Was all this just a illusion, my mind tricks or reality? I couldn’t decipher anything, everything numbing in me.

His body was radiating such warmth that everything negative in me started chipping away slowly drowning me in his warmth and his intoxicated scent. I was afraid to move because, if I moved, this beautiful dream might end.

” Please don’t go…… stay with me…” he made me look at him and I felt an unusual pull toward him, which was difficult to resist.

I nodded my head wiping my running nose, my cheeks going red, earning a breathtaking smile from him, which was melting my heart away.

“I’m sorry I didn’t respond to you when you were leaving. I’m sorry for lashing out unreasonably yesterday. I’m sorry for everything.” He said finally pushing away his insecurity and fear.

” I’m sorry too…… I shouldn’t have yelled out to you like that. I was at fault too. I really didn’t mean to hurt you……” I cried out, my eyes shimmered with sorrow and regret with seamless boundaries.

His face lightened up with contentment that gave me sudden hopes. He held my face on his palm, looking at me with soft eyes fluttering my heart and soul.

” Good to know you are not mad at me anymore…… Remember you are not allowed to leave me ever again…… okay. No more setting back…”

Did he mean that he managed to break out of his past trauma, the darkness and finally reach me. We managed to find a way to each other.

Everything was over now, the fued, the hatred…… we were finally free to get a new beginning.

Our breaths mixed and as he lowered his head so close to me, our lips almost touching and I nodded again letting out a laugh and cry merged with happiness.

His eyes seared into me, stealing my breath away and I couldn’t away from his hypnotic gaze.

He was still, very still, his eyes glazing up. I felt a fluttery sensation in the my heart, and it was growing stronger with each second as we looked at each other.

” We will visit your village afterwards …… together. Just not today, not this odd SEM holidays please, I’m not free.” Vincent cooed softly caressing my cheek and my pulse went frenzy by his words.


I was swooped, drinking in the feeling of his words. My heart fluttering by his true feelings hidden behind a thick barrier was opening up to me more and more, and I was drowning in the feeling of ecstasy.

He held my hand throughout the ride back to the house as if I would evaporate or run away from him as soon he releases me.

I bet he felt exactly the same way I was feeling, everything so unreal yet so beautiful and dreamy.

I fought to calm down my erratic breathing, but his warm body next to mine was heart-warming. I was nervous and excited at the same time.

” Are you sure you are not mad at me?” He looked at me with hesitant look on his face, which bordered self blame, regret and insecurity.

His eyes and hand kept me captive, and I could hardly breathe. I held his hand and made him look at me.

” I’m not, it’s all my fault. I hope you are not mad at me for blurting out such hurtful words…… ”

His eyes burned into mine, creating goose bumps all over mine, my fast heartbeat beating fast in the anticipation of his next move.

He suddenly looked away ” Ah you did say hurtful words though…” he sighed unexpectedly, his lips slightly pouted.

” It really hurt me so much that I can’t even explain. ”


” Vincent…… I’m sorry I didn’t really meant it!!” I freaked out grabbing his taut arm, my heart ramming in panic.

Vincent held his heart side in a dramatic way, closing his eyes, like he was suffering internally.

Did I hurt him that bad!!!!

” Vincent I’m sorry I didn’t inform you about going out, I should have acted calmly without blurting out! Please give a chance, I’ll take anything for punishment as long as you forgive me!” I shook his arm begging him to forgive me.

” Oh really anything……?” Vincent opened his eyes suddenly transforming from doleful look to troublesome look in lighting speed rendering me speechless.


Don’t tell me I fell into his trap!!!

” Anything……. sounds interesting. ” He suddenly inched slowly towards me and I backed gulping, my heart drumming madly against my chest, I was afraid it would pop out any second.

” Why not give me a sorry kiss then?” He smirked moving closer to me and a jolt spammed my stomach.

K… kiss!??????

” Vi… Vi…… Vincent…” My voice trembled unexpectedly, my heartbeat shallow and fast, my head felt like it was in a clamp as Vincent bent towards me.

Vincent’s hot breath fanned my face, making my skin erupt with goose bumps, hypersensitive of his movements and his nearness.

” What…… didn’t you say that you’ll take anything for punishment?” He chuckled out and I felt face palming myself.

” Don’t tell me you want to back out now…… well that’s sad-”

” I’m not! ” I barked at him and he looked at me amused and it didn’t take a second for me to freeze, again regretting my words.

” Okay then. ……” He pulled me closer to him. Our breaths mixed, mere inches separating our faces and I returned his heated gaze, unable to look away.

I flinched when his hand moved to cup my cheek, but he just brushed my locks to the side, his lips drawing towards my earlobe.

” Relax…… I was just kidding……” He whispered in deep low husky voice, releasing me and my breath hitched.

His eyes were brewing sweet storm as he looked at me and I could barely keep up.

I was very happy that he had decided to open up to me, sharing his feelings to me and I felt like we were more closer than before now and I felt like he deserved everything in this world.

I don’t know what came in me, without thinking twice I softly kissed his lip, moving forward and I felt like he froze.

My stomach spammed with butterflies, my face growing red and hot. He didn’t even blink or move a single muscle, staring me down shocked.

We grew still, both of us breathing hard , our faces so close, more and more seconds ticking by.

I blushed out furiously, my cheeks flaming red hot, and I wanted to run a thousand miles away now.

So I did decide to run away……

I unlocked the car door clumsily but in a second a strong girp wound around my waist, veering me towards him and I yelped dashing into his chest.

He slammed his lips against mine, and

my body jolted from the dominating


He pulled me closer by my waist, He slid his hand into my neck, holding me tightly. Vincent leaned even more claiming my lips with a strong need stealing my breath and reason away.

Our tongues met, and scorching heat settled in my chest, spreading out my every single nerve.

His warmth eloped my whole body. His kiss deepened and became unconstrained, taking more of me like he longed for me way from before.

Despite everything, I felt high on his kisses. There were so many butterflies in my stomach now, and I was letting myself drown in them.

I couldn’t deny myself the

kiss, growing hot. His tongue was

exploring mine, demanding and


He moaned angling my head, my whole body warming up, trembling under his strong muscular body.

It was our first proper kiss of all time. It was long and euphoric, his kiss drowning me in its burning intensity.

His heated eyes held mine, our hearts beating syncing in as we looked at each other, breaking our kiss.

His heartbeat thundering against my chest, his arm clutched onto me like I was his only life line.

He leaned his forehead against mine, both breathing heavily aftermath of our kiss.

” It was amazing……” he whispered out admitting sheepishly. ” I always wanted to do this do you know?”

His words brought me to new heights, my cheeks flaming hot, my heart expanding in exhilaration, each cell of body demanding to shower all my love to this guy.

” Thank you…… thank you for everything, sticking onto me…… I’m afraid even now, I will hurt you, I never wanted to hurt you and I don’t want to…… ever……”

He looked like he was in pain, his hand trembling but still didn’t let me go. His intense gaze still trained on me, clashing with need and insecurity showing me how vulnerable he was.

I cupped his cheek, pulling him closer.

I had to take baby steps, nor too rush nor too slow.

” Hey…… you are much better than what you let in. Just don’t give up on yourself Vincent. You are strong inside Vincent, surviving till now…… despite the fights you had in this world and withstanding everything.”

” I’m afraid this isn’t real…… all illusions of my mind.” He whispered out way too lowly, staring at our hands.

” Hey look at me……” I made him look at me, pushing his silky hair back, touching his cheek affectionately, making him feel my touch.

” It’s not any illusion of yours…… everything’s is real. I’m not going anywhere.”

His eyes burned into me, stealing my breath and I was drowning in the feelings he was evoking in me.

He caressed my jaw slowly yet sensually, his gaze soft as ever, even myself couldn’t believe this was all real.

He slowly pecked my lips and ducked his head on my neck, pulling me to a hug and I hugged him with equal energy.

He didn’t let me go, like he was ready to doze off in my embrace and I chuckled out.

” Vincent we need to go……” I chuckled out and he whined out, reluctant to let me go.

” No. They can wait……” He snuggled more into me and I laughed out. He’s such a baby.




The college had started after 2 days. I felt everything was brought back to normal.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I tried calling Alex but she wasn’t picking up neither she was shown in the university.

I couldn’t stay calm just because I had some soft precious moments with Vincent.

I felt so much when I looked at Alex’s eyes when we were in front of Ivy.

She needed support…… a friend. She was the kindest and the naïve I had ever seen.

I wanted to wipe away her pain, but I didn’t know how to help her. I’d never seen her so broken before. I wanted to be strong for her, and protect her.

I saw Blake from afar shooting the basketball but I couldn’t see Vincent around.

” Blake!” I waved at him gathering some courage and he finally turned towards me, his eyebrows lifting up in curiosity.

” What do you want now…? Vincent is in his elective class if you are looking for him.” Blake looked bored shooting the basketball, not looking at me.

” Why do you always think I come for Vincent!? I have different things too” I fumed up and he chuckled out dribbling the ball.

” Oh really?? And what’s that Wilson?”

” What happened to Alex? What did you do to he…… him? He’s nowhere found.” I said it not able to restrain myself from anxiousness, imaging something worse from him.

Blake arm suddenly flexed and finally looked at me. His eyes widened with menacing trace and something tugged in me, a sudden fear rearing its way up.

” What did you just ask me??”

” I… I… what did you do to Alex when you went after him?” My voice trembled but I had to be strong and fight him no matter what.

” You…… I appreciate your guts despite your conduct on that night, you are daring to ask me about that motherf***er”

Blake lunged upon me before I could even react, his menacing eyes and the vicious sneer increasing my uncontrollable trembling.

” I wanted to f***ing slit your throat off then and there itself for causing agonising pain to Vincent, when he didn’t come home because you b*tch…… He might have forgotten but I didn’t.”

I flinched stepping back but he followed me not letting a distance between us.

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