Babes Stripping For Love

90. Framed

The next day Seamus decided to have a chat with Cormac before they left for the cemetery.

“I want to ask your permission to marry your daughter,” Seamus said while they waited for Charlotte to come down and join them.

“Yet, you’ve asked for her to marry you already.” He replied with an amused smile on his face.

“Yes, yes I have. It was too spontaneous but I want to make this right. I know she loves you very much and your blessing will mean so much for her and also for me. For both of us.”

“You’re a good man, Seamus, you got my blessing.” The younger man looked relaxed before Cormac continued. “What I’ve heard about her in prison made me almost lose it. But your lawyer had convinced me that you had nipped the issue and taken care of her.”

“What exactly did you hear?” With all of the earlier issues with Charlotte and her work, he didn’t know that Cormac had learned anything about his daughter while he was in prison. This was news to him and he was really clueless as to what it might be.

“Um… about her dancing in some shady club. Stripping?” He looked unsure until Seamus got up and paced around the living room.

“Who told you?”

“One of the inmates. It was actually why I got into a fight. But then your men were there, to fight back for me. Thank you for that, I don’t think I’d survive a prison fight if it weren’t for them.”

Seamus sat down again before he started explaining further. “It was when she first stayed here. She couldn’t find a job, and she didn’t want to owe me anything. You’ve raised a very independent and proud young woman. It took a lot from me to persuade her not to work there.” He said remembering what felt like years ago.

“But the club was not that shady, yes it was a strip club, but more to the exclusive kind of joint. Anyway… She quit and that’s all that matters now.” Seamus explained, hoping that it would be enough and not entice more questions. Because that was the one chapter in Charlotte’s life that Seamus didn’t want to revisit.

Cormac nodded in agreement. “Come on we should go, I need to pay my respect to my late wife.” He uttered the moment Charlotte entered the living room.


Seamus watched as she greeted her dad. The older man gave her a warm-felt hug and told her congratulations on her engagement and that they both have his blessings. Charlotte blushed and Seamus was at her side to give her a peck on her forehead.

The drive to the cemetery was short and lovely. Cormac spent time talking over his late wife’s tombstone while Charlotte rested her head on Seamus’s shoulder while they wait for her dad to finish his last word.

But then Seamus saw Burke hurried his steps towards him. He knew something was up when he saw the emergency burner phone in his hand. Seamus quickly excused himself from Charlotte to take the call. He knew something was wrong when Burked handed him the phone.

“A call, sir.”

Seamus nodded and answered the secure line immediately.

“Dad, is something wrong?” Seamus asked when he heard his dad’s voice from the other line.

“I have information that you’re wanted for the murder of Judge McKenney. He was found dead in a car accident and now you’re being framed. I’ll arrange everything. You know not to talk unless our lawyer is there, I’ll send two of my best ones and tell Charlotte and Cormac not to talk also they might be questioned if they produced enough evidence against you. I will have lawyers ready for both of them as well.”

“Thank you, Dad. I got a rather cryptic email yesterday. I was not sure who sent it but now I know what it was all about.” Seamus pinched the bridge of his nose, knowing now is not the time for this matter to pop up. Charlotte was still wary and he couldn’t help to imagine where would her mind go when she witnessed his arrest.

“Son, the chief of police may construct false evidence against you. But I’ve been in this game far longer than him and I know more people and have lined more pockets to take the bastard down. It’ll be over before you know it.”

Seamus trusted his dad and he knew that everything was going to end soon.

“Alright, Dad.” He answered calmly. “I need to talk to Charlotte now. I know you’ll take care of everything. Will you and Mom be at the house for Charlotte?” He couldn’t fight the nagging feeling that she’d be better with his mom around because she would act all tough in front of her dad. And Seamus knew that his mom would take good care of her.

“Of course, son. She’s practically family. We’ll be going to your house as soon as I’m done making some calls.”

Seamus thanked his dad before he ended the call and walked back to Charlotte who was looking at him with worry in her eyes. He took her hand and led her towards Cormac before he faced both of them and told them what his dad informed him minutes ago.

“W-what? But it wasn’t even your fault. They’re framing you. They can’t just arrest you? Dad?” Her eyes were already glassy and he couldn’t help to put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close.

But as time stood still, her dad did say that everything will be alright. And confirmed to Seamus that neither he nor Charlotte will speak without a lawyer by their side.

“Mom and Dad will be at the house soon as they can. I just need you to take care of Charlotte for me.” Seamus added when he spoke to Cormac. As finished his words, sirens were heard then Charlotte’s tears started to fall and she was quick to embrace him with all her desperation.

“Hey, baby, everything will be okay. I didn’t do it. Look at me?”

But as he said it, men in uniforms started to walk towards them. Clear instructions were shouted and he could see Burke puzzled expression as he stepped towards the commotion.

“Sir?” Burke asked, clearly waiting for his guidance in handling the fucked up situation.

“Take both of them back home. Tell Keegan to call Bruce,” Keegan was Seamus’s right-hand man. He knew about the security details, but Seamus realized that Charlotte would be more comfortable with Bruce around and the man could provide them with female guards for her. Seamus understood that it might be a bit too excessive since he will be released soon enough, but he was not looking forward to any more surprises.

“My dad knows about this. He’ll take care of everything.” Seamus added. He could see the tension fades from Burke’s face and his driver nodded and ushered both Charlotte and her dad into the car while Seamus was being read his rights and his hands were handcuffed.

“I love you,” she hugged him one last time and he kissed her forehead telling her that he loves him too. Not caring that the cops were snickering behind him and one of them decided to tug him back and force Charlotte to release her hold on him.


It took his dad’s lawyers an hour to arrive after Seamus was transported to the police station and shoved into an interrogation room. Seamus had said nothing to the detectives in charge and his lawyer answered all their questions for him by telling them that their client had an alibi and they didn’t like the speculations that the detectives were throwing at their client.

He was denied bail, he was to stay overnight at the station. It was as expected, his dad’s lawyers said they were trying to make it harder for him. They will overrule the decision by morning. Seamus was not worried. Though He did worry about Charlotte and he was relieved when he was granted permission to call her.

She was crying from the other line, but he assured her that he’d be back home by tomorrow and that managed to calm her down.

Seamus understood that he was being framed, and the chief of police was going down so hard when his dad found out about the sneaky way he had put Seamus with other offenders. When morning came Seamus was badly beaten, his gut was punched so badly that he was having difficulty walking. He knew that he had a broken nose and his right eye was swollen so badly that he can only see with one eye.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

His dad’s lawyers were already pressing charges against the police department the moment they saw him. They continued to quickly assist him to be released immediately though he was still under house arrest with the impending trial. Seamus trusted that his dad would pull through and the case will be dropped sooner than later.

“I’m sorry, that I couldn’t bail you out sooner.” His dad hugged him carefully the moment he saw his battered son.

“It’s okay dad, it’s been a while since I got beaten up. It’ll heal, but I need to clean up first and maybe get my nose fixed before going home. I don’t want Charlotte to see me like this.”

“Come on, I know just where to go.”

His dad’s smile brightened as he asked one of his lawyers to come with them to the ER to take elaborate pictures of how Seamus was beaten up in the police station. He smirked and knew that everything was going to be just fine with his dad beside him. And soon with Charlotte once again in his arms.

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