Arrogant Boss

Chapter 41

What if he used names for positions? Some sort of advanced sex jargon? ‘Let’s do the overhand twisted pretzel, Emily.’ There was no way I could fake knowing how to do that. I’d end up breaking a leg, or worse, embarrassing myself in front of him.

Julian put down his knife and fork and was looking at me with an amused smile. “You’ve gone quiet over there, Ace.”

I shook my head stronger than the question required. “No, I’m just thinking.”

“About what?”

“About… Oh! This.” I grabbed my purse. “I spoke with a press agent today about a great opportunity for you and I completely forgot.”

“It’s been a busy few days.”

“Yes, but this seemed exciting…” I searched through the veritable ocean of business cards I’d amassed.

Julian laughed at me.

“I know, I know. It’s like they’ve bred and multiplied in here when I wasn’t looking.”

“That’s a conference rookie move if I’ve ever seen one. Us seasoned professionals learn to say no, or toss them the first opportunity we get.”

“But they might come in handy later”

He snorted. “Emily, you don’t need to keep all those, trust me. Unless you’re looking to switch jobs?”

I looked up. “Oh, they’re not for me. Well, mostly not. I tried to take as much information as I could for Turner.”

Julian blinked at me before his gaze warmed. “You really help him, don’t you?”

“Well, of course. This is his chosen field, what he wants to work with. As long as he’s on this path I might as well try to pave as much of it as I can.”

He leaned back, eyes thoughtful. “Remind me to ask for your advice on my brother someday.”


“Mhm.” He raised his fork in caution, a piece of sirloin pierced on it. “Not tonight, though. Tonight we’re having fun.”

It felt like he had a direct hotline to my heart and my stomach and… slightly lower than that. I gulped down my wine. “Fun, huh.”

“Yes. And before you try, this doesn’t count as one of my allotted weekly dinners.”

“Oh, it doesn’t?”

His eyebrow quirked. “No. This is circumstantial. Work, dinner is needed, and we made the best out of the situation. But it doesn’t count.”


“Which means we’re going somewhere the coming week. I have a place in mind.”


He leaned back and grinned. “You know what? I think I’m going to let that be a surprise.”

I rolled my eyes to hide just how excited that made me. “Fine. Be that way. See if I care.”

His grinned widened. “Well. So?”

“So…” I trailed off, unsure of what he was expecting. Was this the point where we went upstairs to his hotel room? I hadn’t finished my pasta. It was really good pasta. But then again… my eyes raked up his chest, the strength in his arms. Pasta had nothing on him. I’d go gluten-free for life if that was the required sacrifice.

Julian nodded to my purse. “So, what did you want to show me?”Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Right! Let me look… here it is.” I pulled out a silver plated business card. “I was approached by one of the producers of those online lectures, on ideas that are worth spreading. They’re planning an event in San Francisco eight months from now and they’re really interested in having you as one of the keynote speakers.”

I slid the business card over to him. I’d already photographed it, front and back, and starred it on my phone.

“Wouldn’t that be so cool?”

“A talk?”

“Yes. You’d be amazing.”

“You think?”I frowned at his lack of enthusiasm. “Julian, of course. You were excellent on that panel yesterday and you’re a great public speaker.”

He seemed to ponder the idea, glancing out over the mostly empty restaurant. “I suppose I could think about it. But those speakers usually have something to say, some wisdom to impart.”

“You’re passionate about your business and about the positive impact technology can have. You have loads of wisdom to share! I can’t think of a single reason why not.”

His lips curled into a small smile and his eyes were warm when they met mine. “You really think that highly of me?”

“Yes, I do. The world deserves to hear what you have to say.”

His hand rested on the table between us, and I reached for it instinctively. My intention was a quick squeeze but he flipped it over and took mine in a tight grip.

“You didn’t always think this highly of me.” He avoided my gaze, eyes on our clasped hands. His thumb rubbed small circles in my palm.

“No, I guess I didn’t.”

“When did it change?”

“My view of you?”

Julian nodded, and I couldn’t help smiling. “Want me to pad your ego a bit?”

His hand tightened on mine. “Indulge me, Ace.”

“Gradually, I suppose. Over those once-a-week dates. The race track. Watching you at work… you were truly great at this conference.”

His eyebrows shot high. “So watching me work was a turn-on?”

“Hugely. Talk to me about bytes and vectors, please.”

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