Arranged Mafia Marriage



He prowls toward me and I stumble back. He closes the distance between us even as I try to evade him. Which is stupid. I mean, I am the one who initiated this bizarre scenario, and here I am, trying to escape him. Why is it that since I’ve met him, all I’ve seemed to do is run from him as he’s tried to chase me? There is something wrong with this situation… Something I intend to rectify. I’ve had enough of always being on the defensive. Enough of always being the one who is trying to get away from him. Why should I be afraid of him? What can he do that he hasn’t already done thus far, huh? I do not fear him; I do not. My back hits the wall of the bedroom and I squeak. Jesus, so much for my pep talk.

He pauses in front of me, and my heart hammers in my chest.

One side of his lips kicks up in that smirk I hate…and love…and can’t resist. My pussy spasms. Argh, stupid cunt, that’s my pussy, not me. Okay, also me, for having put myself at his mercy.

A plume of heat seems to spool off of him and crash into my chest. I gasp. My throat dries. The strength of his dominance is a tangible presence that pushes down on my shoulders and pins me in place. I want to shove at him, raise my knee and bury it in his groin, kick him in the shin and try to escape him, but my arms and legs seem to be frozen in place. My fingers tremble and my toes curl as he leans in close enough for his eyelashes to tangle with mine.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

He peers into my face. Those blue eyes of his are ablaze with a fire that seems to come from somewhere deep inside. I’ve never seen him this…turned on. This…consumed with an emotion that I can’t quite place. Does he want revenge? Does he want to punish me, perhaps? Maybe he wants retribution for what I did to him. For heaven’s sake, I practically killed the man. It’s a wonder he hasn’t tried to do the same to me yet-he grabs me by my throat and I gasp.

Oh, hell, maybe I should watch my thoughts? Maybe, that’s what he meant when he said I couldn’t take what he has in mind. My breath catches, my heartbeat ratchets up, and my pulse rate spikes, even as moisture pools between my legs. Shit, shit, shit. Clearly, my body is all mixed up with the signals it’s getting. I am supposed to want to take flight or fight…not… Fuck. Not get turned on. Not wrap my fingers about his thick wrist as he hauls me to him and slams his lips to mine. Not open my mouth and allow him to thrust his tongue inside, tangle with mine, swirl it over my teeth, before he sucks on me as if he wants to consume every last morsel of pleasure that I can offer him.

He growls deep in his chest as he increases the pressure around my throat, even as he plants a massive thigh between my legs and cups my bottom with his free hand as he hitches me up and pulls me even closer to him. The thick length between his legs pushes into my melting core, as he begins to move me up and down the column of his thigh. The ridge of his cock grinds against my pussy as he continues to kiss me, even as he maintains his grasp around my throat.

The trembling starts from somewhere deep inside as he intensifies the action of making me ride his thigh. A moan slips from my lips and he swallows it, snarls low in his throat as if in answer. A primal mating of man and woman, of Beast and Beauty, of a husband and… his whore?

I blink. My muscles stiffen. Every part of me protests that I can’t just allow him to do whatever it is that he has in mind. Yeah, so I started it, but it’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind, right?

I slap at his shoulder and he only tilts his head. His gaze intensifies as he deepens the kiss until it feels like he’s literally sticking his tongue down my throat. I grip his shoulders, try to push him away, but it’s like trying to shove at a brick wall. I dig my fingers into his biceps…and that strength of his shimmers, coils, thrums under my fingertips. Oh, hell. I stare into his face, try to pull away, and his grip around my throat tightens. Spots of black flicker at the edges of my vision as he pulls me into him with such force that my breasts are crushed against his massive chest, and his cock stabs against my pussy lips as if seeking entry. Not yet… No fucking way. Not until I decide I am ready to spread my legs for you, buster.

I bite down on his tongue with enough pressure that the salty taste of blood fills my mouth. His gaze widens, he tears his mouth from mine and blood drips from the corner of his mouth. The blue of his eyes darkens to nearly black as he bares his teeth. His chest planes flex and his shoulders seem to grow bigger in size, as he slides his hand up my throat so I am forced to tip my chin up.

“Want to play dirty, is that it, Beauty?”

No, you asshole, I want you to tell me what’s going on in that dark as Hades mind of yours.

I would open my mouth to answer him, but the jerk still has his fingers wrapped around my throat. Not to mention, he told me that I can’t speak until he gives me permission, and annoyingly, my body, at least, seems to respond to his suggestions. Shit. I struggle against him and that shark-like grin of his widens. I swallow and fear skitters up my backside.

“I’d hoped to save this for later, but guess I don’t have a choice, eh?”

I scowl at him. What the hell is he talking about? He licks his lips, sucking down the blood that smears his mouth, the blood that I had spilt. Again.

Honestly, I am not a person with violent tendencies. I mean, I fight for what I believe in, but that’s only fair, right? You need to stand up for yourself, after all.

I release my grip on his shoulder, only to wrap my fingers around his wrist. I stare at him and he holds my gaze. Without breaking the connection, without letting go of his hold around my throat, he pulls back so I slip off his thigh. He loosens his chokehold just enough to spin me around, so I am pushed up against the wall. He pushes his body into mine and my entire body trembles. Heat from his frame envelops me, as he places his cheek next to mine, “From the moment I saw you, I knew you were trouble. I just didn’t realize just how much I’d enjoy also being challenged by you.”

I grit my teeth, push my cheek into the cool surface of the wall, as I stare at him from the corner of my eye. “You don’t have to say a word, Beauty. I know what you need.”

Do you, asshole? Do you have any idea how it feels like you are infiltrating my body, my soul, every part of my mind, my heart? Shit… Do you understand how threatening it is to feel so consumed by your presence, to be overwhelmed by your dominance, to want to surrender and yet not giving in? For something inside me insists that if I do… I’ll lose your respect. And that… That is what I crave more than anything. To be your equal. Do you see that? Can you sense how I want to be able to meet you on your level?

He lowers his head and bites down on where my neck meets my shoulder. My pussy instantly clenches even as I throw my head back. A scream boils up, but his hold on my throat stops any noise from escaping. He slides his fingers between me and the wall, and strums my pussy lips. He raises his head, sucks on the skin that he’d just bitten, and a thrill chases down my spine. More moisture laces my core and he scoops it up, steps back, only to bring his hand up and around to slide it between my butt cheeks. I sense his intent a second before he probes my back hole.

I slap my palm against the wall as he slides his finger inside my back channel. I struggle against him, and he brings his mouth near my ear, “Shh, Beauty, trust me.”

My heart beat ratchets up. I close my eyelids and a tear squeezes out from the corner of my eye. He licks it up and my heart stutters. Of everything he’s done to me, that feels the most intimate. And why the hell am I crying? I never cry.

Not when my father left us. Not when I found out I had a heart condition. Not when I found out that Summer was getting married, that I was going to be alone… Not that Summer would ever forsake me or anything, it’s just … You know what I mean, right? I hadn’t even cried when this bastard had kidnapped me…

So why am I feeling so overwhelmed when he licks the shell of my ear, then sucks on my ear lobe as he plants his leg between mine, forcing me to widen my stance? As he adds a second finger to the first and pushes his digits inside my backchannel. I stiffen, clench down on his fingers, and he groans. The sound is so hot, so male, so dominant that my nipples harden. My breasts seem to swell as he curves his fingers inside of me. A groan trembles up my throat. He leans in, kisses the corner of my mouth as he pulls his fingers out of me, only to replace it with something bigger, more blunt. Something that feels awfully like the crown of his monster cock.

I swallow and my throat moves against his fingers. “F-u-c-k,” he growls, “do you have any idea how erotic it is to feel you swallow?”

He nudges my back opening and I wriggle against him. He wraps his fingers around my hip, holds me in place as he whispers in my ear, “Do you want me to stop, Beauty? All you have to do is tap out.”

A-n-d, there it is. Him telling me to give up. To admit that I can’t take what he throws at me. If I ask him to release me now, he will… and…then… I’ll know I am not as strong as I think I am. But him taking my arse… Isn’t that a test of my strength of character, too? I mean, it does test my arsehole. An alphahole testing my arsehole. I snicker, and he licks my cheek.

“I take it that means you are fine to continue?”

I scowl at him, and he kisses the tip of my nose. “Nod, baby,” he whispers, “tell me you are going to keep pace with me all the way.”

Shit, I am a glutton for punishment, and clearly, my inability to turn down a challenge is going to land me in a lot of pain. Fine, whatever, nothing I can’t bear. I nod, and his entire body seems to harden. He kisses me on the mouth, then leans back, and propels his hips forward.

His length breaches my backchannel and a flash of pain slices through me. I squeeze my eyes shut as my muscles tense, as I push my palms into the wall, flatten my forehead against the flat surface. He pauses, allowing me to adjust to his size-as if that’s going to happen anytime soon. I sense the tension radiating off of him as he stays where he is, as his cock throbs inside of me. The pain ebbs away, and a shimmer of lust licks my veins. My pussy throbs and my toes curl as he rubs his thumb across the front of my throat. A shiver crawls up my spine and all of my pores seem to pop as he leans in and kisses my cheek.

“I am going to fuck you now.”

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