Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Crystal and Theo)

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Chapter 59


Mason looked back the moment he heard his name. I glanced at Dad but the expression on his face was so stern and uncompromising.

*Mason, let mama show you her room and toys which you can play with before I finish talking with grandpa.” I led him to my personal room in order to prevent him from hearing what Dad has to say. He might be small and not understand the indepth of things but he remembers things easily no matter how long. So, I didn’t want him to get the wrong impression of his grandpa, being the first t

time he would be seeing him.

In no time, I returned to the table, sitting exactly opposite Dad who still looked so serious.

“So, who is his father? Who impregnated you?”

The question was direct and laced with a seriousness that hung heavily in the air. I took a deep breath, bracing myself for a conversation I had avoided for years.

“Dad, his father is Carlyle,” I confessed, watching as his expression shifted from stern to contemplative. The revelation lingered in the room as a weighty truth that needed acknowledgment. This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Carlyle,” Dad repeated, his tone neutral. “The Alpha of this pack?”

“Yes,” I affirmed with my eyes meeting his in a mixture of apprehension and vulnerability.

He sighed, a heavy exhale that seemed to release some of the tension in the room. “Why didn’t you tell us before?”

“I… I was scared. Scared of what you might think, how you’d react. And I didn’t want Carlyle to be judged solely based on our history.”

“Why did you leave in the first place? Do you know how much you hurt us? You know you’re the only child we have, yet, you decided to leave without looking back.”

His question hung in the air, a poignant reminder of the pain that lingered beneath the surface. I took a moment to collect my thoughts, my gaze fixed on the table as memories of the past flooded back.

“Dad, Mum, I left because I thought it was the best decision for everyone involved. I was pregnant, scared, and unsure of what the future held. I didn’t want to be a burden or disrupt Carlyle’s life. Moreover the relationship between us was quite complicated back then.” I explained with my voice carrying the weight of regret.

“But, Donnie, you’re our daughter. We could have faced whatever challenges came our way together,” Mum said, her eyes reflecting a mix of compassion and hurt.

“I know, Mum. At the time, I didn’t think clearly. I made decisions out of fear and uncertainty. I didn’t want the life you had envisioned for me,” I admitted, a tinge of sorrow in my voice,

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Chapter 59


Dad sighed, leaning back in his chair. “We’ve missed out on so much, Donnie. Three years without you felt like an eternity.”

“I missed you both too, more than I can express, I confessed, tears welling up in my eyes. “And I’m truly sorry for the pain I caused.”

In the quiet moments that followed,

Dad nodded, his eyes reflecting a range of emotions- understanding, disappointment, and perhaps a hint of regret.

“I should’ve trusted you more, Donnie. Trusted that you’d make the right choices,” he said, his voice softening. “You’re my daughter, and I should have been there for you.”

“I know, Dad. And I’m sorry for keeping it from you for so long.” I replied, tears welling up in my


Mum, who had been listening silently, spoke up. “Donnie, we may need time to fully understand, but we’re your parents. We’ll always support you, no matter what.”

“Donnie made sacrifices for Mason’s well–being. We all have a chance now to build something new, together.” Carlyle walked in at that moment, making it obvious that he heard our discussion all along. That wasn’t surprising, though.

Dad regarded Carlyle, but his expression was guarded and thoughtful.

“I need time to process all of this.” He said, heaving a sigh.

“That’s understandable, Dad. I’m not expecting everything to be okay overnight, I reassured him.

The weight in my chest lifted slightly, replaced by a glimmer of hope. The conversation was difficult though, but it was a necessary step toward rebuilding trust.

“How and when did Carlyle get you knocked up?” Mum asked in a whisper, making me blush and nervous at the same time.

I hesitated, glancing at Carlyle, who remained composed despite the probing question. Taking a deep breath, I began to recount the story.

….. It happened nights before I left. Carlyle and I…we were strangers back then when we got close intimately at the bar, and one thing led to another. It wasn’t planned, and it was a tumultuous period in my life. I didn’t think clearly, and the consequences unfolded before I could grasp the magnitude of it all.”

Mum sighed, her expression a mix of disappointment and understanding, “Donnie, we may not agree with your choices, but you’re our daughter. We’ll learn to accept the circumstances and move forward.”

Carlyle interjected, “I take full responsibility for my actions. I care deeply for Donnie and Mason, and I want to be a part of their lives.”

Dad, who had been silent for a while, finally spoke. “We need time to process everything. Donnie, Carlyle, we appreciate your honesty.”

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Chapter 59


The room fell into a contemplative silence as each person grappled with their thoughts. The air felt thick with tension, but beneath it lingered a fragile hope for understanding and acceptance.

Mason, oblivious to the complexities of the conversation, played with his toys without worries.

As the day unfolded, the atmosphere lightened a bit. We shared stories, laughed at Mason’s antics, and, for a moment, it felt like we were reclaiming lost time.

Dad’s initial stiffness was now softened but Carlyle’s genuine efforts to connect softened the edges.

In that moment, as we sat around the table a family fractured and mending the journey of reconciliation gained momentum.

As night fell, casting a tranquil glow over Moon Shade, we retired to our respective spaces, carrying with us the promise of a tomorrow where understanding, acceptance, and familial love could flourish once more.

All of a sudden, the moment stilled when Carlyle’s next action changed the atmosphere.

“Sidonnie Xander, will you grant me the honour of being mine?” He asked, holding my hand tightly but sensually.



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