Alpha Nocturne"s Contracted Mate

Chapter 265 One Opportunity to Escape

Chapter 265 One Opportunity to Escape

Chapter 265 One Opportunity to Escape

Allen snarled furiously as he pushed back against the force that held him to the wall as Jasper tittered mockingly.

“Well, look at you, haven’t you grown?” Jasper purred, “It feels like forever since I saw you last.”

“If I never saw you again it would still be too f*****g soon!” Allen snapped as he strained helplessly.

Jasper sighed theatrically.

“Well that’s not very nice is it?” He tutted as he stroked the back of Allen’s hair, his f*ingers combing almost lovingly through the strands of hair, “And here was me thinking that we could let bygones, be bygones and maybe… I don’t know… k*iss and make up…” He murmured almost seductively into Allen’s ear, sending an involuntary shiver of disgust rippling through his body as he snorted in contempt.

“f**k you Jasper. You’re a f*****g psycho and a delusional one at that. What the hell makes you think that I would be willing to look past the fact that you brutally murdered my little sister?”

“Oh I don’t know about brutally, Allen, from the sounds she was making I’d say she quite enjoyed me taking her innocence. I prefer to think of it as setting her free in the midst of an exquisite high.” he smirked with a far away look in his eyes, as though he were reminiscing about the moment and savoring every twisted memory of it. Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’ll f*****g km you!” Allen roared as his wolf pushed forward and Orvar’s strength surged through him.

He struggled against the invisible force for a moment, the exertion making the veins on his forearms and his neck stand roud from his skin until finally, with a roar of triumph he felt the resistance buckle and he was able to push away from the wall and take a swing at Jasper.

Jasper’s eyes were wide with shock, clearly not expecting him to be able to break free. That shocked pause delayed his reflexes and caused him to move away from the incoming swipe a moment too late.

Allen’s fist connected firmly with Jasper’s jaw, the resulting c***k echoing in the cell as the impact sent him staggering sideways.

Jasper’s eye’s flashed dangerously as his hand flew to his jaw reflexively. Without wasting any time Allen darted forward with a furious snarl, intending to put an end to Jasper once and for all.

Each movement he made towards him though was effortlessly deflected and it soon became apparent that Jasper was merely toying with him, as a malicious grin spread across his face. He had gotten lucky landing that first hit and he swore internally at himself for not having pursued the attack sooner. If he hadn’t hesitated for that split second, he might have had him on the floor already.

“You’re getting sloppy in your old age, Allen.” Jasper taunted as he side-stepped another blow causing Allen to overreach slightly. Using Allen’s forward momentum against him as he leaned into the punch, Jasper shoved him hard in the shoulder causing Allen’s body to connect with the wall painfully.

Jasper’s laughter seemed to mock him mercilessly, stopping him from thinking clearly and infuriating his wolf further. With a flick of Jasper’s wrist, the door to the cell opened and he nodded towards it with his head.

“I’m feeling generous Allen, seeing as how you would have been just a bonus kill for me… wrong place at the wrong time and all that,” He grinned as Allen panted heavily, trying to catch his breath as he leaned against the wall of the cell, “Now’s your chance Allen, your one opportunity to escape. Take it or leave it.”

Allens l*ip’s settled into a thin line as he weighed his options. He knew he had dislocated his shoulder on impact with the wall, he had felt it pop out of the socket and the numbness in his arm let him know it

was now useless. If Jasper caught even the slightest whiff of this weakness, he was sure that he would use it to his full advantage.

Allen glanced towards the door and then back at Jasper, his eyes narrowed into a furious glare.

“You aren’t that forgiving Jasper, I know you… I know it’s just a f*****g ruse to lull me into a false sense of security.” Allen spat as he began to move sideways, away from the door and glanced down at Linus’s motionless figure on the ground as he stepped over him carefully.

“But you don’t know for sure though, do you? That tantalising taste of freedom, dangled before you… I can practically hear your heart sing with hope.” Jasper sniggered as he advanced towards Allen.

Try as he might, Allen couldn’t see a way out of this. His arm was useless now even though Orvar was doing his best to relieve the pain, he just wasn’t able to heal it unless he could somehow pop it back into place without alerting him to his weakened state.

As much as he hated to admit it, Jasper was far more agile than he was, and the glancing blows that he had landed on him had barely seemed to affect him. This was a game to him, like a cat with a cornered mouse, tormenting its prey until it grew bored and decided to make the final decisive strike.

As if reading his mind Jasper chuckled darkly and with a flick of his wrist, Allen felt that unbearable pressure on top of him again, as his arms were forced painfully outward. His body forming a T-shape against the wall as he hissed in pain. “For years I’ve wanted to show you just how pathetic you and your damn Alpha are. You took everything from me.” Jasper hissed as he pulled a wicked blade from the holster at his waist and walked slowly towards him.

“You’re f*****g insane.” Allen hissed, “I took nothing from you, it was your actions that led you down this path. The consequences are all of your own making.”

“Is that so?”Jasper chuckled humorlessly, the smile fading from his face as he ran the tip of the blade down Allen’s face, “Because of you, Adam humiliated me in front of lesser wolves,” He continued in a tone barely above a whisper, “Because of you, your sister’s life was forfeit, because of you… I chose to walk this path.”

Jasper grinned suddenly as he pressed a little harder with the tip of the blade, the sharp edge slicing painfully through the layers of the skin and grating against the bone as Jasper dragged it carefully along the outline of Allen’s face.

No matter how hard he tried, Allen couldn’t stop the roar of pain and fury that left his m*outh and he watched Jasper drink all of his pain in with satisfaction and triumphant pride in his eyes.

“See Allen? It is you who is worthless, you who has been left with nothing but a half breed daemon w***e to warm his bed at night… but even then… you’ll have to share her with another who is even less deserving than you.” He snorted as the blade completed its arc from ear to ear, and he began slowly working his way around the edges of his hairline.

“I’m going to present your w***e with your face as a gift… perhaps I’ll wear it like a mask as I f**k her too… perhaps I’ll f**k her with my blade and see if she bleeds the same as everyone else…” He grinned.

“Or perhaps I’ll f**k you with your own c**k you sick f**k,” Lexi’s voice appeared suddenly.

Allen opened his eyes just in time to see the familiar smirk on her face as her head appeared at the side of Jaspers, but her eyes… they were different… and terrifying in her fury.

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