Alpha Nocturne"s Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate By A E Randell Chapter 207

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate By A E Randell Chapter 207

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 207 Hidden Talent

Moments after the door closed behind Adam, Bartholomew shared a look with Lord

Brarthroroz and they both stood and made their way to the door.

“You can stay here as long as you need to,” Bartholomew said pointedly as he

glanced at Allen, although Allen never lifted his eyes. “I’ll escort Lord Brarthroroz to

the holding cells downstairs and get him acquainted with the specimen we have down

there… although I’m not sure how much will be left of it. It does seem to be decaying

at rather an alarming speed.” He continued with a troubled expression.

“That happens when the magic dissipates from the necrotic flesh,” Lord Brarthroroz

shrugged casually, “Nothing to hold it all together anymore. That sort of magic can

only imitate life for so long.”

“Indeed.” Bartholomew grimaced before tearing his gaze from the emotionless face of

Allen and smiling softly at Lexi, “If you need anything at all.”

“Don’t worry Barty boy, I pretty much know where most things are here now. It doesn’t

take me long to map places in my head… hidden talent.” Lexi winked with a cheeky


“One of many I’m sure,” Bartholomew quipped with a wry smile before turning and

leaving with her father, the faint sound of his robes brushing against the stone floor

gradually fading away as the door shut gently behind them.

Lexi stared at Allen appraisingly in silence as she leaned back in her chair. So far

Allen’s personality seemed to be a lot more complex than the self-righteous prick she

had imagined him to be

She knew sleeping with him was an impulsive move, especially because she hadn’t

fully made her mind up about the whole mate issue, but a girl had needs and the

tension between them both had been simmering for a long time. There was no doubt

that she wanted him, but forever was a long time. She had thought that perhaps after

they both got what they needed from each other, that whatever it was might fizzle out,

but instead she found herself fascinated by him, and for once in her life, actually

intrigued about what made him tick.

If she hadn’t seen him hit Greyson the first time, she wouldn’t have believed him

capable of it in the first place, and now this reaction to the mention of this Felix

person? Her curiosity was well and truly piqued.

“So… wanna talk about it fluffy?” Lexi said in the softest tone that she could manage,

although the words almost stuck in her throat.

She would have been far happier if she could solve this with her usual sass and unsubtle methods, but she had a distinct feeling that wasn’t going to work here.

The slight growl of irritation that rumbled from Allen’s chest confirmed her theory.

“What? Good enough to f**k but not to talk to?” Lexi snorted as she crossed her legs

elegantly in front of her as his posture stiffened.

“It’s not like that,” Allen growled back in response.

“No? You could have fooled me. You’d rather sit and brood in silence rather than

explain what the f**k is going on.”

“You don’t need to know about this Lexi.” He forced out, clenching his fist in his lap as

Lexi snorted.

“Like I didn’t need to know about the mate bond, hmm?” She sneered as she stared

furiously at his back,

“Don’t you think it would be easier if you stopped acting the martyr and just f*****g

opened your mouth? We’re supposed to be a united front, for Ann and Adam’s sake,

and you’re sitting there hiding s**t from someone who is supposed to be not only your

self-proclaimed mate but also your colleague when it comes to working with your boss

and his wife, my best friend.”

The reaction that she hoped to elicit from him materialized almost instantly as he

stood furiously and whirled to face her with a complicated expression.

“You don’t need to know everything, Lexi. It’s not that important.” He muttered,

avoiding her eyes.

“Oh shut the f**k up, Allen.” Lexi mocked in exasperation as she narrowed her eyes at

him, “As if we don’t have enough to deal with, with Linus and … Cornelius was it? At

least I know exactly what I’m getting with those sorts of men They’re cowards who act

only in their own self-interest, yet here you stand, acting the coward and not able to

even open your damned mouth just to tell me why this Felix or his family cause you so

much anger. How the f**k am I supposed to help you if you won’t tell me?”

“I don’t need your help,” Allen growled defensively. “Yeah and I don’t need a prick with

a stick up his ass and a cowardly temperament, but that’s what I got, isn’t it.” Lexi

roared furiously, her chest heaving as she tried to calm her anger.

When she had calmed down enough to not want to launch herself at him she brushed

her hair from her face and glared at him, speaking quietly.

“Whether you want to talk about it or not, it’s going to happen at some point or

another, so suck it up you f****g buttercup, and spill What the f»*k is your problem with

this Felix and who the f**k are the Dubois?”

Allen glared back at her, matching the ferocity of her gaze.

“It’s a long story.” He ground out finally as he tore his eyes from hers.

“And? It’s not like either of us has any better place to be is it?” Lexi snapped before

sighing heavily,

“Look, why don’t we go and get a drink? It’s always easier to open up with a glass or

two of the Bellevue witch’s finest.”

Allen turned to glance al her suspiciously over his shoulder as Lexi’s temper finally

broke and her shoulders sagged as she made her way over to him.

“Look, I hate that seeing you like this bothers me. I didn’t ask for this mate bullshit,

and we’ve already established that you didn’t ask for it either. But, if you want to

actually make this work, then you’re gonna have to put the work in, understand?” Lexi

tried again a little softer this time.

“You called me a coward…” Allen grumbled sulkily.

“You’re lucky that’s all it was. You’ve called me a lot worse in the past furball, you

should be grateful that’s all I’ve called you… to your face at least.” Lexi smirked as

Allen’s eyes flickered in shock briefly.

“Fine.” He relented finally. “Let’s go get a drink then and see where it goes.”

“Oh, I know where it will go beta boy I always get what I want.” Lexi smirked as she

shoved his back playfully toward the door. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

There was more than one way to get him to open up to her and she intended to find

out everything she could know about this Felix.

After all, in this world, knowledge was power.

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