Alpha Nocturne"s Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate By A E Randell Chapter 189

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate By A E Randell Chapter 189

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 189 Elder Cornelius

Adam had returned to the room shortly after Eva and Coral left and found himself

confronted with his beautiful wife focusing intently on the phone in front of her.

He pushed his hands further into his pocket and readjusted himself as he leaned

against the doorframe. She was stunning in every way, even focused so intently on

whatever she was doing, he just wanted to pepper her neck with kisses and hear her

moan underneath him again. It had taken an incredible amount of self-control not to

ravage her last night.

His instincts told him that they both needed the release that being together would

bring, but he was also acutely aware that when it came to their intimacy, they were

both anything but quiet.

There would be nothing holding them back tonight though.

He allowed himself to indulge a little longer, drinking in the sight of her and storing it

away in his mind to recall at his convenience before he cleared his throat and she

looked up at him with a sultry smile on her face.

“Are you ready for dealing with the Elders, my Queen?” he asked with a smirk, “I’ve

already spoken with Allen and as soon as he has any information, he’ll let me know.”

Ann nodded.

“I’m ready.”

When they swept into the Enclave’s assembly chambers a hush fell over the Elders as

they stood and inclined their heads in her direction.

She took her seat in the central high-backed chair and Adam took his seat next to her.

She suppressed a grimace at the feel of the unforgiving hardwood against her skin,

knowing full well that the longer she sat in this chair, the more uncomfortable she

would be.

She adjusted her position slightly and smiled tightly at the Elders in front of her, finding

Bartholomew almost instantly as he sat amongst the first row as one of the Senior


The speaker at the side of the room began to list off the issues set to be discussed

and at the end of the list, asked a generalized question that no one ever really

expected anyone to answer.

But as soon as he asked if there was any more business for the day, Ann raised her

voice imperiously. “Yes, actually. I believe that the issue of Elder Linus should be

discussed today.” A low murmur rippled around the room before a voice rose from the

row. “I’m sure that can wait until tomorrow, my Queen. He is safely held in the holding

cells and there’s little chance of any repeat offenses occurring while he’s down there.

It should be added to the schedule for tomorrow.”

“With all due respect, I disagree Elder,” Ann answered cooly as the Elder’s face

hardened almost imperceptibly.

“Then let us settle this in the traditional way, my Queen.” the elder bit out, his

impatience clear in his voice. Ann smiled and nodded, indicating her approval.

She knew that this would be pushed back, but it didn’t matter. Another day of delays

meant another 24 hours to gather evidence and dig up information about Elder Linus.

The majority of female Elders in the room sided with Ann and felt that the issue

needed discussing immediately, but the vote fell in favor of the irritated Elder who

couldn’t help the smug smile that settled on his face when it was written onto the

agenda for the following day.

As he moved to take his seat, Ann spoke again.

“I wouldn’t sit just yet, Elder…?” Ann asked, leaving the question open so that he

understood he was to introduce himself.

“Elder Cornelius, your Grace.” He answered curtly.

“Ah, Elder Cornelius. Very good.” Ann answered with a smile that didn’t quite meet her

eyes, “Well, seeing as how you seem to have appointed yourself as the spokesperson

for the Elders in attendance here today, I have another issue that I wish to bring up.”

Cornelius sighed quite audibly which led to an exchange of uneasy glances between

some of the Elders that surrounded him.

“Can your issues not wait, your highness? I understand that you are new at your

posting and vastly inexperienced, yet there are proper channels that everything

should go through.”

“Is that so?” Ann asked in mild amusement as she allowed Cornelius to continue. “It

might have escaped your notice, but we have a very meticulous way of doing things

around here so that urgent issues are discussed quickly and are not lost in the

system.” He replied pompously. “Ah, so there are never any missives that are Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

missed?” Ann asked lightly. “Absolutely not!” Cornelius answered in a horrified tone.

“To even suggest…” “Every incident that occurs within the kingdom is discussed fairly

and resolutions and actions approved or dismissed by the council and ruling body?”

Cornelius openly scoffed at Ann as she smiled benignly and the faintest growl

emanated from where Adam sat beside her.

“My Queen, the fact you are asking these very basic questions concerns me greatly.

Perhaps we acted too soon in installing you to the position…”

“Ah, so your lack of action on issues that occurred before I was installed, is somehow

my fault?” Ann asked smoothly as she examined her fingernails closely before fixing

him with a steely glare.

“I beg your pardon?” He asked as an expression of confusion fell over his face.

“Well, you see, I’m just trying to understand something here Cornelius. You’re telling

me that everything is discussed in this very room. Every issue that arises is put

through the proper channels and heard, and discussed by the ruling party, and the

Elders assembled here today.”

“It’s very simple your highness…” He scoffed, the irritation creeping back into his

voice, but Ann cut him off before he got any further.

“I would be very careful in how you speak to me, Cornelius. Whether you approve of

me in this position or not, I AM the current ruling Alpha Queen and you will show the

proper respect and decorum in my presence, do I make myself clear?” Ann warned


Cornelius swallowed audibly and with great difficulty managed to school his face into

an expression of neutrality.

“My apologies, my Queen.”

“Apology accepted. Now, if you’ll be so good as to explain to me why then, with all of

these time-honored traditions and ways of doing things, that the villages along our

borders have been deserted and rogues allowed to run rampant and overtake these

border towns?”

Cornelius visibly paled as he realized that he had allowed himself to talk himself into a

hole that was going to be exceedingly difficult to dig his way out of.

“I… I’m not sure what you mean, your grace.” He answered tremulously.

“Well, I believe I was perfectly clear in my delivery of the information actually, so I

won’t repeat it. Time being so precious to you all as it is. However, it should interest

you to know that your neglect in this matter has led to the murder of several of our

subjects. Who now hang from the defensive walls of their former towns.” Ann hissed,

her voice getting louder the longer she spoke, until finally, she exploded.

“There are children, mere pups hanging by the neck, bodies mutilated beyond

identification, along those walls! I want to understand how all of you have allowed this

to happen while in the positions that you hold with these perfect, time-honored

methods that you have so dutifully just explained to me!” She roared, allowing Maeve

to push forward and release her terrifying aura amongst the elders.

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