Alpha Nocturne"s Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate By A E Randell Chapter 177

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate By A E Randell Chapter 177

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 177 Threat

“Well… seeing as how neither of you actually are members of the royal council,

although granted, one of you makes up half of our current reigning Alpha Queen,”

Bartholomew glanced across at Ann warily and swallowed nervously as Maeve

sniggered in Ann’s head, “I think we can safely say that the Alpha’s Justice and the

Luna’s justice will not be on the table for dealing with the resurgent threat

that we are facing.”

“Pity.” Both Lexi and Maeve grumbled at the same time. “Then do we have a

provisional plan at least?” Adam asked with a frown, instantly shifting into his serious

demeanor with a face like thunder. Bartholomew shook his head gently.

“Not yet Alpha Felix should arrive this evening as a representative with a small

contingent of men.” “He’s bringing an armed guard?”

“Yes. I hope you’ll forgive me, but, with the current threat posed by Narcissa and her

coven…” Bartholomew began before he was cut off by a derisive snort from Lexi.

“You’re giving her far too much credit Barty-boy. She isn’t the mastermind behind this,

just another lackey to

meet the goals of a degenerate daemon lord with delusions of grandeur.”

Bartholomew chuckled good-naturedly and nodded.

“Believe me, Lexi, I’m fully aware that she is not the main threat, but she is a name

that we are more familiar with, and for us at least, the cause of the former King’s

downfall. With that in mind, I thought that it might be wise to have them briefed on

the…abomination.. that was encountered and thought that, perhaps, if you are willing

Lexi, you would like to put together some sort of brief on what we can expect to face.”

Lexi blinked up at Bartholomew, her face frozen in a mask of so many emotions at

once. The fear of judgment, the apprehension at talking seriously in front of so many From NôvelDrama.Org.

people, but as quick as it crossed her face, she pushed it away again.

“Think of it as a trial run for the lectures that we intended to roll out anyway Lexi.” Ann

offered, reaching across and patting her knee gently in an effort to reassure her.

Lexi nodded as a small frown creased her brow.

“Okay. I can do that. When do you need the presentation ready for…erm.. presenting.”

Lexi asked a little awkwardly.

“Well, tomorrow is ordinarily a day of diplomatic greetings, minor discussions about

any trivial matters, and testing the waters for any new issues that either side are

wanting to talk about. Then there will be the customary feast of welcome in the

evening of course. Following that, the schedule is to be arranged. He will be here for a

week at least, perhaps longer. It depends on how much progress is made in the talks.”

“So I have a couple of days at least to confer with Papa and pick his brains about

some of the things that I’m a little hazy on?”

“Of course, my dear. Whatever you need.” Bartholomew nodded indulgently.

Lexi hesitated for a moment before looking in Ann’s direction and chewing her cheek

thoughtfully. “Ann, I know this might not be possible, but, do you think it would be

possible for Papa to see the creature in the … little dungeon you’ve got going on

down there?” She asked tentatively.

“I don’t see why not, it would be helpful if your father was able to identify which

daemon’s the body parts are from and give us some sort of idea of what we might be

facing in regard to potential threats,” Ann answered thoughtfully.

As far as she was concerned, Lexi’s father was an absolute treasure trove of valuable

information. “Actually… Bartholomew, do you think it would be possible for him to be

present for Lexi’s lecture? He might be able to field any questions they have that Lexi

may not be sure of.”

Bartholomew chuckled and held his hands up as he faced the curious faces of the

three of them. “For me, there is no issue. You all know this. However, I think a

Daemon lord in their midst might be a little much for some of the Elders.” He chuckled.

“It would be my advice that we wait until the lecture is here, and if there is anything

specific that crops up, we can leave some time free on the schedule for another

session so that Lexi has time to confer with her father and seek any additional

information that they may need.”

Ann rolled her eyes and sighed in frustration.

“Well, they need to get used to the idea pretty quickly, Bartholomew,” Ann answered

impatiently. “I fully intend to have an embassy installed in the capital as soon as

possible and ideally I would like for there to be the option to have a portal mancer

installed for ease of travel.”

Bartholomew paled suddenly and swallowed nervously as Ann spoke, and Adam

squeezed her gently. “One thing at a time, my Queen. Let them get used to the idea

that not all daemons are a threat first They’re going to be on edge anyway because of

the prospect of fighting on two fronts. It might not be wise to push them into this right

away.” He suggested soothingly as she sighed in frustration.

“I know, I understand but things would move much quicker if we just got everything

done now. Things need doing now and I don’t see why we can’t just get on with it!”

“I guess it’s true what they say then,” Lexi said suddenly as a slow grin spread across

her face and a wicked twinkle appeared in her eyes as she side-eyed Bartholomew.

“Hmm? What’s that then, dear?” He answered quickly, eager to assuage any of her

concerns. “Oh you know, that you really can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” She

sniggered as he blinked in surprise before his eyes crinkled at the corner as his smile

matched her own.

“I resent that, you know.” He chuckled as he wagged his finger admonishingly at her.

“I know you do Barty, that’s why I said it. If the other elders were even half as chilled

as you are, then I don’t think we would have a problem.”

“That may be true Lexi, but we each bring our own strengths to the Enclave.” He

grinned in response. “Whatever,” Lexi grinned, rolling her eyes as she stood from her

chair and stretched. “Right, I should go prepare for this little chat I need to give to

people who would probably rather see me dead than listen to what I have to say.

Have fun. I’ll catch you later.”

Ann stood and hugged her before she left and as the door closed behind her, Ann

turned to Bartholomew with a shrewd look on her face.

“So, Bartholomew, would you care to tell me what happened before we arrived?”

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