Alpha Loren

Chapter 34 Cuz

Chapter 34 Cuz

November 1st

The next morning I woke up in Leo's arms. He was just sitting up before he sauntered without a word

into the bathroom.

A long steamy shower later, he returned drying his hair with a towel.

"I'll take you to help Lia pack," he said.

I nodded, "Thanks."

At 10am, Leo dropped me off before heading to the base to get some work done.

"Ella! We've been waiting for you so now we can start packing!" Allison said pulling me upstairs to Lia's

room where all her sisters were. The Loren house was fairly big, enough room for nine kids and a

couple of guest rooms, but Lia's room was basically in the attic and had a slopey ceiling.

"She's here!" Lia exclaimed.

"So how long are you planning on staying?" Elena asked.

"2 weeks at most," Lia said. "But I want to take some things to leave there so I don't have to take it all

again next time."

"And what time is Haden arriving?" Bella asked.

"In an hour and a half."

"Better get a hurry on then," Maria said.

"Okay Maria and Elena as oldest and most responsible I appointed you clothes duty. There's too much

to take it all so only the nicest. Bella and Lisa you get essentials, that includes shower stuff, teeth stuff,

hair stuff, sanitary stuff and a small amount of make up. Allison and Ella, you get entertainment, that

includes a few books, my phone and my charger which needs finding as I lost it in here somewhere

last week. I am doing underwear and pyjamas," Lia said reading out a list.

"Okay," Lisa said and we all went to our appointed areas. Rather handily Lia's bookshelf was organised

into three sections: 'books I am yet to read', 'mediocre books' and 'books I would absolutely read

again'. Allison and I picked out four, two from the would read again section and two from the am yet to

read section.

"Lia? Where do you think you lost your charger?" I asked looking under her very low bed.

"Keep looking where you are, it could have slipped under there," she answered whilst taking a pair of

panties out her drawer and putting them in her bag.

"Lia, yes or no to this top?" Elena asked.

"Yes. You bought me it didn't you?" Lia answered.

"Just testing," Elena said with a smirk.

"Pomegranate and honey body wash or vanilla and raspberry?" Bella said from the bathroom.

"Vanilla and raspberry please!" Lia called back.

"And what about shampoo? L'oreal or pantene?" Lisa asked.

"The l'oreal one is empty!" Lia said.


"I found it!" Allison said pulling something out from down the side of Lia's bed. The bloody charger we

had spent half an hour looking for. There was a mini applaud before everyone went back to what they

were doing.

"Ella?" Lia asked a few minutes later.


"Did Leo know what you were going to say to the pack yesterday during your speech?"

I nodded and swallowed, "It was his idea," I lied.

"And he's really going to do it?"

I nodded again.

There were a few glances exchanged between the sisters before everyone went silently back to their


An hour and 15 minutes after we started the packing was finally done.

"How long can it bloody take?" Mateo asked coming up into Lia's room.

"Go away Mateo darling, you're 'help' is not needed here," Allison said,

"I'm just letting you know that Haden's car just came onto the drive," Mateo said walking out the door


"Oh crapperdy crap he's early!" Lia said.

"It's fine everything is ready," Bella said hugging her.

"Let's get this rather full suitcase downstairs," Elena said helping Maria pick it up. When we got

downstairs Leo's car was also in the drive. The entire Loren family were now in the plus Allison of


I saw Antonio glance at me but I refused to look back and instead stood as far away from him as


Leo came through the door first, shortly followed by Haden making a hallway of 14 people.

"You're here for Lia I presume?" Leo said to Haden.

"Yes," Haden said. He sounded slightly nervous but then I think so would anyone, he had the stares of

5 protective brothers, 4 protective sisters, a mother, a father and 2 friends.

"When will you be bringing her back?" Rosa asked.

"Whenever she wishes," Haden responded.

"Correct answer," Antonio said in a cold tone.

"I'll take good care of her, you have my word," Haden said with a genuine trustworthy look. Leo nodded

in satisfaction.

"You better start saying your goodbyes Lia, it may take a while," Leo said looking around at the large

volume of people. In turn, Lia hugged every one of her brothers and sisters (even Leo), then me and

Allison, her Mom and her Dad.

A few minutes later Lia and Haden had left.

"He better bring her back," Rosa said.

"Mom, he knows the consequences if he doesn't," Mateo said.

"Say in two weeks time she hasn't come back. How do we know if it was Lia's choice or not?" Rosa

continued biting her nails.

"I have ways of contacting his pack Mom, you don't need to worry," Leo reassured. Rosa nodded a few

tears in her eyes before Antonio pulled her into his arms.

"Your 7th child will be perfectly fine," Antonio said quietly.

By lunchtime, I was back at Leo's house. Rosa had calmed down after a little bit and a reassuring text

from Lia.

We sat eating lunch in silence. There was still an air of tension from the events of the previous nights

and although he had cooled off considerably, I could tell from the occasional cold glance he gave me,

he was still annoyed.

"I'm not here tonight," he said bluntly a few minutes later. "I have to go down to the southern territory."

"Okay," I said with a nod. "Who gets the honour babysitting me?"


I snapped my head up in disbelief to look at his face. It was deadly serious.


"Everybody else is busy and he offered," Leo replied with a shrug. "You'll survive."

I stared into his eyes and he stared straight back. A slight smirk crept onto his lips and his eyes glinted


"It's because you're pissed off at me, isn't it?" I questioned, my confusion instantly clearing.

"And why would I be pissed off with you?" he asked with a raised eyebrow and shifty glare.

"You can't leave me with him," I said slowly and surely.

"I can and I will," he replied. "He is one of my trusted Megestanis and your cousin. The fact that you

don't like him is not my issue."

Trusted? I considered telling Leo about the constant dark stares last night but then I thought about

what he mouthed to me and his threats and I decided against it.

Don't risk it for a biscuit Ella.

I glared at him before taking an angry bite of my pizza.

"What? You thought that giving me head last night would make me forgive you for what you did?" he

asked with a slight laugh. "It was great but it doesn't make up for the trouble you've caused me,


"This is so immature," I grumbled.

"So is your disagreement with Max. Take this as an opportunity to sort it out," Leo replied. "Nothing

more important than family, remember?"

"Leo, he hates me," I hissed. "He fucking loathes my existence. I'd rather avoid him at all costs."

Just then, the doorbell rang and Leo's face lit up, "Might be a little difficult, my dear."

"Fuck you," I cursed before marching upstairs.

"Good evening Alpha," I heard Max's cold voice say from downstairs once Leo had opened the door.

"Max," Leo greeted as I stood at the top of the stairs, looking down at the front door.

"Hi Ella," Max said with a smile which only I seemed able to tell had a devious smirk hidden behind it.

I refused to make any response and only stared back at Leo.

"Ella, come down here," Leo said.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because I told you to. Is there any need for another reason?" he replied deeply.

I unfolded my arms and slowly sloped down the stairs with the best scowl I could compose. I then

positioned myself next to Leo, still not looking at Max.

"I'll be back tomorrow evening," he said kissing my forehead.

I nodded and began looking up to him. I caught Max's cold glare along the way and gave Leo one last

pleading look.

He ignored it and left.

Max stood there with a smirk on his face as the sound of Leo's car faded away.

"I'm gonna be honest with you here Ella. I'm surprised you didn't tell him," Max said. "You're smarter All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

than I thought."

"I didn't think there was anything worth telling him. You're mad that I helped our Aunt be with my Uncle.

Pretty self-explanatory isn't it?" I said holding my head high.

"Oh, there's far more to it than being 'mad'." Max half growled.

"Seems pretty black and white to me," I answered.

"There is only one thing standing between you and a lot of pain right now and that is the Alpha," Max


"Well as long as he continues to stand in the way I'm fine then," I said crossing my arms. "And guess


"What?" Max said impatiently.

"I'm gonna tell him you said that," I said childishly before running upstairs. I sat on the bed in Leo's

room and a few moments later Max walked in. He looked at my eyes then down at my body and back

up to my eyes.

"Sometimes when I look at you I forget for a moment that you are my cousin and all these thoughts

flicker across my mind about what I would do to you if you were my mate," Max said.

"That is so wrong on so many different levels," I said shuddering from disgust.

"Anyway what I came up here to say was, you aren't going to tell your little mate any of this," Max said

a weird uncomfortable smile on his face.

"What's stopping me?" I asked,

"Well I might just accidentally kill someone," Max said walking slowly around the room.

"You're full of shit, Max. Who?" I asked.

He grinned.

"Oh I don't know...someone significant to you but not really to anyone else...Ohh! What about Connor?

I'm sure Leonardo would be glad if someone did the job for him, I hear he's a bit of a pain in the ass."

I felt my face drop but tried to remain composed. I couldn't let him see him get to me.

"Are your brothers like you, or do I have 4 dickhead cousins that I never knew about?" I asked.

He grinned, "So what's it to be, love?"

I glared at him, "If you promise to leave Connor the fuck alone I won't tell Leo anything."

Max nodded.

"I knew you would comply," he said with wink. "See you in a bit cuz."

I spent the next few hours in the library. I read a book and half before getting pretty bored with the

second one and hungry.

I wandered down the stairs to the kitchen trying my best to ignore Max.

"I've just realised I don't have much to do in my time now. Maddison was a lot of work but now that you

so kindly got her off my plate, I'll have to find something new-"

"I don't care," I said.

"What if my new thing was finding as many different ways to torment you?" Max asked.

"Max, what do you want me to do? Maddison and Tobias are together now and even if I wanted to

there is nothing I can do about it," I said getting an apple out the fruit bowl.

"I want you to pay," he said coldly.

"Well, how do you propose I do that?"

He smiled and winked, "If I told you it would ruin the fun."

He then stood still for a couple of moments in thought before he asked, "Did you want to meet my


"Probably not," I said taking another bite of my apple.

"That's a bit mean, they are family remember?" Max said in his usual malicious tone.

"They might as well not be, I have never met them and they hate me, especially now,"

"How do you know they hate you?" Max said fake innocently.

"You know why," I said.

"Well they are all at the Megestanis house right now," Max said.

"Good to know," I said chucking my apple core in the bin.

"Get in my car," Max ordered as I left the room.

I scoffed, "No sir," I sung before continuing to go up the stairs.

Just as I was settling back down in the library, the lamp beside me illuminating the pages of my book

flickered before plunging the room into darkness.

The crack between the door and the floor that had been allowing a slit of the light from the hallway in

also turned black and when I looked out the large library window, I noticed that there was no light

coming from any of the rooms in the house.

"Max?!" I called out.

"Let the tormenting begin," he replied his cold voice echoing through the house.

"For fuck's sake," I grumbled.

There's gotta be a flashlight around here somewhere.

I fumbled my way into Leo's room and began rustling through that drawer of random shit that has

everyone somewhere in their house in search of a flashlight. There was one slight issue though: I

sorted of needed a flashlight to find one.

I could hear Max's footsteps. They were slow and sort of menacing. In the darkness of the house, I

couldn't help but shudder and as they got closer, I gave up hunting for the light and slipped out of the

room and up the stairs to the next floor.

His footsteps continued and before long, I heard the distinct squeak of the bottom step of the stairs.

Oh shit.

I scurried into one of the rooms and tucked myself behind the curtain. His footsteps seemed to turn

back and go into the library. Why would he go in the library?

My question was answered a few seconds later when the eerie sound of 1950s jazz music began

playing through Leo's old record player and phonograph that he kept in there. It was so loud it

dominated all other sounds, including Max's footsteps.

Before long, I had no idea where he was and admittedly, it creeped me out.

I gingerly came out from the curtain and stepped onto the hallway, trying to make out any movement

but my eyes could barely even make out silhouettes. What a time for the clouds to cover the moon and


I stood there completely still trying to pick up any kind of sound amongst the music but there was

nothing. Wrapping my arms around myself, I took one more look around. If tormenting me was his plan,

he was certainly succeeding. This was haunting.

There was a bathroom at the end of the hall. If I could get to that and lock myself in, I could just wait

this out safe from Max's lurk. I crept on my tiptoes over the floorboards until I could reach my hand out

to the brass door handle. Slowly, I pulled it down, trying my best to avoid making a sound.

I can't have been too successful because less than a moment later, I felt somebody seize me around

my waist. I gasped in shock as I felt my feet come off the ground and then a hard and muscular

shoulder press into my stomach. The music finally came to an end and I could hear Max's footsteps

and breathing again. He was carrying me down the stairs on his shoulder.

"What is wrong with you?" I hissed. "How are you this screwed up?"

He laughed to himself in the most sinister way, "You fuck with me, I fuck with you."

"Put me down," I demanded

"No," he said now heading towards the front door. "We're going to go and meet your other cousins."

"Put me the fuck down," I growled.

"Watch your language, young lady," he replied opening the front door.

A few moments later, we'd reached Max's car, where he practically chucked me in the passenger seat

of his car. He then came around to the driver's side and started the engine.

"I feel sorry for your mate," I spat as he began driving out.

"Well considering the current trend my mate could be your daughter," Max said evilly.

"Firstly my daughter would be your first cousin once removed and secondly, she would be at least 24

years younger than you," I said.

"You never know," Max replied.

"You'd be 41 when she'd turn 17."

"You can still make babies at 41," Max said.

"Gross," I said.

About 15 minutes later we pulled up at a house.

"Out," Max ordered and for once I chose to do what he said. My bare feet hit the cold, wet grass and I

walked slowly to the front door with Max. The house was like any other Megastanis house. Even

Lissauer, the poorest faction, had a big wooden Megastanis house. A few moments later a boy came to

the door.

"Ahhh, this must be our dearest cousin," He said moving aside to let us in.

At first I didn't move, still not wanting to go inside. But a rough shove from Max definitely helped me

along the way. We followed the boy along a corridor to a kitchen where two other boys were sat around

a table.

"Ella, meet your other cousins," he said gesturing to the people in the room, "Miles, Mattio and


I gave them a sarcastic smile before I folded my arms, "I used to wish I had more family. Now that I do,

I wish I didn't."

The eldest of the three, Mason, let out a short laugh before looking to his brother.

"Where's the Alpha, Max?" Mason asked. "And why have you dragged his Luna here? Of all places."

"South section," Max answered, "And I thought you'd like to meet here," he said shoving me forward.

"Happy families, right?"

Mason laughed again, "She's a Jones."

"Born and raised," Max added, "But this is fun, isn't it Ella?"

"Maddison moved out to say," Mason said cooly.

"Well it was nice meeting you guys," I announced, "but it's getting late so I think I'll be off," I added

heading for the door. "See you at Thanksgiving I suppose."

"No, no stay here little cuz. We need to get to know each other better," Mason said as Max steered me

to a chair by the table they were all sat at.

"So is the Alpha still angry about last night, huh?" one of the younger ones said.

"Unsurprisingly. You're lucky you didn't get a beating for that little stunt," Max said.

"You know?" I asked.

Mason scoffed, "Everybody that even slightly knows the Alpha knows he would never do that on his

own accord," he said, "I got to give it to you, you've got balls."

"No, she's just stupid," Max replied. "First Maddison, then that. It's like you're trying to make enemies?"

"You four have hate me because of my surname," I said, "What am I supposed to do to change that."

"I guess you're not really a Jones anymore," the youngest said.

"It's in her blood. Fucking the Alpha doesn't change that," Max said glaring at me.

I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Oh please," Max said, "Every male wolf in this damn pack can sense that he has been inside you.

There's no need to be shy."

"So you'll be having pups soon I presume?" Mason asked.

"No," I said through gritted teeth.

"Try telling the Alpha that," Max said coldly. "He's already 23 which means he needs his heir soon. In

the next year probably."

"Plus you have 10 to get through so you should probably get on with it right?" Mason asked.

"And if you've had sex why wouldn't you be pregnant? Don't suppose the Alpha bothered with

protection," one of the younger ones said.

He was wrong about that but I knew Leo wouldn't want me spreading the truth. I've already shredded

his reputation enough in the last 24 hours.

"What happens if you have 9 and then the last one turns out to be twins? Do you keep them both?"

Max asked.

"I don't know."

"Or what if you have 10 and they are all girls. Do you have an 11th or get rid of the daughters until you

get a boy?" Mason asked

"I don't know."

"Or what if one dies? Do you have another to replace it?"

"I don't know."

"Or what if your first ones are boy twins by c-section. How do you decide who gets the Alphaship?"

"I don't know."

"Or what happens if you are infertile? Do you adopt or does the Alpha find someone else to produce

his heir?" the youngest Megestanis asked

"I don't know."

"Or what if-" Max began

"I probably don't fucking know!" I said.

" have had your 10, but then the Alpha gets you pregnant again? Abortion, Adoption or keep?" he


"Do you ever think the Alpha's brothers are hot?" Mason inquired

"Or his sisters. Jesus Christ Elena and Bella are the mateless ones right?" Mason said. "There's sweet

little Lisa too, but she's only 16."

"16 is old enough for me," Max said a disturbing smile creeping onto his face.

"You guys are sick," I spat only satisfying them even more.

"Oh and Allison! She's one hot piece of meat too," Miles said.

"Max. Why on earth did the Alpha put his mate in your care?" Mason said.

"I haven't the foggiest," Max said stroking my hair. "Must have a lot more trust in me than he should."

"It's because you are a Megestanis. He expects you to be better than you are. A lot better," I said trying

to shake his hand off my head.

"And aren't you scared she's going to open her mouth to him?" Mason said.

"I've threatened to kill her brother, our other Jones cousin. Rather genius actually," Max said slyly still

twiddling my hair in his fingers. "I could do anything and he would never find out."

"Your scent is all over me. There's no way he isn't going to ask questions," I said.

"Not if you wash your clothes and go in the shower sweetheart. And that is exactly what you'll be doing

tomorrow morning," Max said.

"You're treading on thin ice brother," Mason said.

"Well, what can I say? I like living life on the edge," Max said.

"He will kill you if he finds out," Mason said.

"Finally someone with some sense!" I exclaimed.

"Shut up," Max said to me. "He isn't going to find out, because I will make sure of it. You haven't got to

worry about it, lil bro."

"Oh, I'm not worrying. If you're dead, guess who gets to be Megestanis?" Mason said. "That's right.


"Good luck with that," Max said. "I'm not going to die before finding my mate, having pups and living a

long life, because Ella is going to keep it zipped aren't you cuz?" Max said. I looked up at him and

scowled. He growled suddenly gripping my hair tighter. "aren't you?" he repeated and I nodded my


"Yes," I said quietly.

"Good," Max said. "Well, it's been fun brothers but we will be going now," Max continued seizing my

shoulders and dragging me to my feet.

"Bye Ella see you on Thanksgiving!" Mason said smirking. I gave all three of them a sarcastic smile

before Max dragged me back to his car.

After a silent car journey, we were back at Leo's house. I went straight upstairs to Leo's room locking

the door behind me. I heard Max turn the power back on after earlier and then come upstairs and lock

the room from the outside.

"Sleep tight honey," He said.

"Piss off!" I said through the door.

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