Alpha King’s pregnant Ex-Luna


Sam’s mind continued to whirl like a restless wolf caught in a storm. Or did something happen while Tony, his packmate, went offline? Sam hastily typed his question, his fingers clicking on the keyboard like the snap of jaws in the darkness: What do you mean?

Tony’s response came, cryptic and laden with mystery, just like the whisper of the wind through the forest. He said, “Exactly what you read.”

A surge of aggression coursed through Sam’s veins, his hackles raised in defiance. “Were you so thoroughly defeated by Shadow Seeker for you to decide that, or did you bang up your head or something?” he retorted, his words dripping with skepticism.

Tony’s voice floated back, his words carrying a hint of resignation. “You’re the one with the banged-up head!” Sam pressed further, his curiosity overpowering his anger. “Then what’s going on with you?”

And so, Tony unraveled his tale, revealing a vulnerability that caught Sam off guard. “I wasn’t utterly defeated. I have always been defeated.”

Speechless, Sam never expected such a confession from someone as arrogant as Tony. The revelation was like a silver bullet straight through his heart, leaving him stunned in the moonlit night.

But then, a flicker of memory danced on the edges of Sam’s consciousness. Tony and Shadow Seeker had disappeared at almost the same time during the competition. A thought, absurd but filled with possibility, burrowed into Sam’s mind like a wolf’s snout sniffing out a trail in the underbrush. He couldn’t help but wonder, “Wait a minute. What if something really happened during that time?”

Fuelled by his wild curiosity, Sam gave voice to the outrageous thought. “Did you rendezvous with Shadow Seeker?” he asked, his words tinged with a mix of suspicion and excitement.

Tony, taken aback by Sam’s audacity, responded sharply, “Hey, watch your language!” Sam persisted, pushing the limits of their conversation. “Is that not the case? Both of you disappeared at the same time during the competition. You didn’t reply to me when I contacted you, nor did Shadow Seeker. I can only arrive at one conclusion-both of you rendezvoused!”

Tony’s silence spoke volumes, struck dumb by Sam’s bold conclusion. Finally, he managed to find his voice, but chose his words carefully. “It’s true we met, but it’s hardly appropriate to describe our meeting as a rendezvous.” Tony knew he could not divulge the full story, secrets hiding in the shadows of his words.

Meanwhile, Sam, driven by his determination, continued to probe, his words like razor-sharp claws on a predator’s paw. “So? Did I guess right? Don’t worry! I’m very open-minded! I wouldn’t judge you if you did!”

Sam’s excitement built like the crescendo of a howling pack. “Tell me what Shadow Seeker looks like! To this day, no one knows her appearance! Or his! I can’t believe you were lucky enough to meet the legend in person!”

Tony’s frown deepened as he read Sam’s message. He replied, unable to hide a hint of smugness, “Well, I only have my exceptional charisma to blame for that!”

Sam’s anticipation grew, his mind racing with the possibilities. “Wait, so you really met Shadow Seeker in person!” he exclaimed, his voice trembling with a mix of envy and awe.

Tony, unable to offer a sufficient explanation, surrendered to the silence. The truth of Shadow Seeker’s identity weighed heavily on his heart, a secret he would never betray, especially to his friend.

Normally, Sam would bombard Tony with endless questions, desperate to extract any tidbit of information about the legendary hacker. But now, Sam’s thoughts drifted, consumed by a newfound revelation. If Tony was acquainted with Shadow Seeker, perhaps they could harness that connection to sway Shadow Seeker to join their pack. It would make everything simpler, more attainable.

The excitement surged through Sam, a primal fire burning in his eyes. From searching in darkness to making contact, their path had brought them to this moment. Sam believed, with every fiber of his being, that Shadow Seeker’s fate and Darknetz’s intertwine like the threads of a werewolf’s destiny. It was only a matter of time before Shadow Seeker joined their organization.

In this moment, Sam felt the gaze of the moon herself upon him, guiding his path. “What is Shadow Seeker like as a person?” he asked eagerly, his voice trembling with anticipation.

Tony pondered for a moment, then responded with a hint of mystery, his voice like a whisper in the night. “Hmm, how should I put it? One-of-a-kind, maybe!”

Sam’s excitement soared, but he craved more tangible details. “Really? How?” he prodded, hoping for a glimpse into the enigma that was Shadow Seeker.

Tony paused, then replied, “Shadow Seeker’s aura, appearance, figure, temper, and abilities are all one-of-a-kind!” Tony’s description left Sam yearning for more, aching to unravel the secrets of the legendary hacker.

Desperate for concrete details, Sam pressed further. “Do you have more specific descriptions? Like facial features? Height?” Tony held back, protective of the knowledge he held. “I can’t share that,” he admitted, his words like a barrier preventing Sam from delving deeper into the forbidden realm of Shadow Seeker’s identity.

“There are too many threats circling around Shadow Seeker,” Tony added, trying to protect what had become sacred to him.

Sam, wounded by this newfound distance, expressed his frustration. “What? You don’t trust me?” he asked, his voice tinged with betrayal.

Tony’s reply was simple but loaded with meaning, a silent arrow aimed at Sam’s heart. “Uh-huh!”

Flabbergasted, Sam felt a rift forming between them, their friendship cracking under the weight of secrecy. He couldn’t help but argue, his voice laced with hurt and desperation. “You’re protecting Shadow Seeker already? After one meeting? Don’t you trust me anymore?”

Tony’s response was cold, indifferent even, as he sent a smiley face, dismissing Sam’s feelings. The silence that followed was piercing, and Sam’s resolve wavered. But then, he understood. If Tony easily revealed secrets, he would be no better than the prying eyes that hunted Shadow Seeker. And so, Sam found solace in this realization, forgiving Tony’s guarded stance.

“I can just imagine the goading look on your face right now!” Sam texted, attempting to lighten the mood, a small flicker of their old camaraderie shining through.

“Jealousy is warping your sight!” Tony replied, bantering back, their connection momentarily reignited.

Yet doubts still lingered in Sam’s mind, questions unanswered, curiosity unsatisfied. With a final burst of hope, he typed, “Which of you took the initiative?” His heart pounded in his chest, eager for the truth that lay on the precipice of revelation.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

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