Age Is Just a Number

Chapter 7


Current Age 

William: 20 years old 

Zara: 12 years old. 

William’s POV: 

I laid my head back, resting it on the chair. Rolling down the window, I inhale the fresh–ish scent of California. The sun shines brightly on my eyes as I stare at the passing houses. There’s an anxious feeling inside the pit of my stomach. 

“Stop smiling. You’re fucking creeping everyone out,” Marvin said. 

I flip him the bird. 

“He is just excited to see his angel again after three months away.” Drew mocked me. I poke his eye and say, “Ow! You bitch!” He covers his sore eye. He shot me a glare. “Oh, you want to play, huh?” He takes out his gun. 

“Fuck yeah, bring it!” I reach for my gun inside the pocket of the chair. 

“Hey! You both put your damn guns away!” Anthony shouts. “You have to stop fucking shooting each. other every time you piss each other off! I’m sick of paying the hospital bills!” 

We shot each other a glare and threw our guns into the back pocket. He points two fingers towards his eyes and then to mine. 

Slowly, I move up my middle finger until 

“Put that fucking finger down unless you want me to chop it off.” Anthony threatens, his eyes glaring in the rearview mirror. 

I lower my hand. 

Drew smirks. 

“Wipe that smirk off your face, Drew,” Anthony commanded. 

How the fuck does he do that? 

Marvin parks the car, and I practically throw myself out. There is too much testosterone in there for me to handle, and it’s starting to sicken me. My eyes lurk around, snapping towards a particular house, and she jumps down. She is so cute when she is trying to be stealthy. She isn’t stealthy at all, because I can still 


see the top of her head. 

Leaning against the car, I wave some air into my face, feeling the California sun hitting me hard. My eyes peek towards her house once in a while, wondering when she will come out and greet me. It’s weird; she usually comes out by now. 

  1. me

“You know you can always go over there,” Marvin whispered into my ear. 

I shudder. “Don’t ever fucking do that creepy sh*t.” I stop talking when I notice his eyes are behind 

He chuckles, “Woah, little Zara grew into big Zara.” He sips on his can of soda that Momma brought us 


Turning around, my mouth dropped to the ground. I shut my mouth, and thank God I’m leaning against the car, or I may fall to the ground. 

What the fuck is she wearing

And what the fuck are those things on her chest? 

Zara is wearing a pair of black tights that are way too short and a tight blue sports bra with these things poking out of her chest. She pulls her arms in the air, stretching her muscles and releasing a low grunting sound. Her eyes met mine, and I think my heart stopped beating upon seeing her smile. She waves at me. “Muffin!” she shouted and ran towards me. Instantly, she slams her body against mine, and I feel 

those two things against my chest. 

My hands were in the air, not knowing what to do with them. She unwraps her hands around my waist and holds mine. “How was Italy?” 

William, her face is not down there. “Good,” I reply. 

Marvin somehow thought it was funny to intervene. “So, Zara, anything new with you?” he snickers. I want to kick him, but I don’t want to behave violently in front of Zara. 

She shakes her head, places her hands behind her back, twisting her body, and that thing jiggles. 

“No, nothing.” 

He went closer and tugged a brow. “Are you sure nothing grew? Maybe your brow.” Anthony did me at huge favor and smacked his head. This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Zara stands there, tilting her head. “Um, alright,” she replies. Zara probably doesn’t know what we are talking about. She shouldn’t 

“Pancakes! Let’s go!” I hear a voice shout and look behind Zara to see Nina. There were also two things hanging on her chest. 

What the fuck happened while I was gone for three months?!?! 


16:46 Mon, 29 Apr GB. 

Chapter 7 

“Hi, guys!” Nina screams, and they all greet her. “Come on!” She waves at Zara. 

“Coming!” Zara turns to me. “We should hang out later.” She smiles, and I merely nod in return. 

I stand here watching her jog towards Nina. They were talking about something, then Nina hit her head and ran away. “Yo, stop checking out her ass. She is only twelve.” This time, it’s my turn to hit his head

Afterward, we went to our usual hang–out spot in the town’s wrong place, where Anthony owns a few of the houses. I laid my body against the couch and shut my eyes. “What the fuck!” I shout. The video game sound in the background stops playing.. 

My eyes are open, meeting stupid gray ones. “What the fuck is up with you?” Marvin asks. 

I sat up straighter, clutching my hands together. “Zara! There are these things on her chest! They were never there, and now they are.” 

Marvin’s brows scrunch together. “You mean her breasts?” 

I place a finger on his lips. “Shhhh. Those aren’t it?” 

He slaps my hand away. “Those are her boobs; say it with me, William. Zara, has boobs.” He said this, slowly throwing his legs on the table. “For fuck sake, you’re acting like a teenage boy.” 

1 feel someone sitting next to me and turn to see Misha twisting her blonde hair and pouting her pink lips. “Who is acting like a teenage boy? She asks, placing her hand on my lap and her head on my shoulder. She isn’t my girlfriend, just a fuck buddy, but sometimes I feel like she thinks I am her boyfriend. Whatever, not like I have a girlfriend right now. 

Marvin opens his mouth but shuts it, narrowing his eyes behind me. Turning around, I saw Anthony walking in, holding a little girl’s hand. Pink dress and teddy bear. Her tiny body trembles, scanning every inch of the area. Did Anthony kidnap a child while I wasn’t looking? 

When I hear a buzz on my phone, I slide on it, seeing Zara sending me a photo of her sweaty self after she finishes running. “What was that?” Misha asks, and I click my phone off. 

“Nothing. Nothing, except my card to jail, and I’m not talking about all the illegal things I did so far. 

Exhaling a deep breath, I grab a box of cigarettes, take one out, and lift it between my fingers, emitting some smoke. Usually, I don’t smoke, but I damn need one right now. I ran my fingers through my hair, wondering how I would deal with this boob. No, that sounds wrong. Tit tit no, that sounds wrong too. Chi chi situation, yeah, that sounds right. The little girl’s eyes drop to mine, and I lift a brow at her. 

Anthony lifted her and put her on the table. We all stare at him as he walks towards the fridge and takes some cold pizza, warming it in the microwave. “Who is the girl?” Marvin whispers, and I shrug. 

Walking towards a cabinet, he pulls out a first–aid kit and starts treating her. Her cheeks turn pink, and I pray for the little girl. She needs better taste in men. 


I punch Marvin’s stomach. 

I am no damn pédophile. 

Turning our attention back towards him, he taps his foot, waiting for the pizza to finish warming up. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a stick of gum and threw it in his mouth. He tilted his head and smiled at her. Everyone in the room was stunned, including me. He fucking actually smiled. Anthony doesn’t smile! 

First, Zara has these Chi Chi. 

Now, Anthony is smiling. 

I need to purchase a lottery ticket. 

No, I need to go to the hospital; maybe the last mission.messed up my mind, and everything is not real. Yeah, that sounds right. This is all inside my head. 

“Kid, I’m too old for you,” he teases her, causing everyone to laugh. She sat there, clutching her teddy bear tighter, as her cheeks turned redder with embarrassment. 

Drew sat on the couch, and I nudged him. “Who is the kid?” 

“Angelica Evans, the kid is lost.” 

He places the warm pizza in front of her as she sits there, staring at the smoke. I finish my cigarette and push it down on the tray, putting out the fire. 

“Aren’t you going to eat it? Angel?” I hear him say. 

Do I sound that cringe when I call Zara Angel? 

“Mommy and Daddy said pizza was bad for me,” she whispers. 

“It’s just one slice. You will be fine,” he said. while stroking her cheek. I wonder if I will look creepy like that when I do that to Zara. No, I’m not creepy. When I do it, it’s brotherly love. Yeah, that’s it. 

She nuzzles deeper into his hand, and I glance at Marvin, who looks back. “This may be trouble.” 

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