A Vengeful Girl

Chapter 152 Who Were These People

Chapter 152 Who Were These People

A shiver run down Bun's spine as a reaction to hearing Brian's voice. It was a good kind, and she had NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

to bite back the urge she had to think about him. She had missed him so much.

Brian had disappeared, and Bun was very worried but she couldn't show it. Many times, she just

wanted to scream and cry, and beg to see him, but she had a duty to perform. Her loyalty lay with the

Mu clan and even though her heat yearns for Brian, her first and always duty is to serve Linda and


Bun's thoughts drifted back to the situation at hand and was glad that John's name will be cleared. She

felt it was unfair that he should suffer so much.

Bun caught the last few sentences that Linda was saying, directed towards Amber.

"… matter will be resolved soon.

I have a computer technician coming to check the computer John used. This way, comparing with your

attendance logs, we will know who accessed those sites and at what time."

Linda glared at Amber, "Mrs. Tang, this is clearly the only logical next step. Would you do us a favor?"

A bright red flush washed over Amber's face. It was no secret that she was trying to dampen her anger.

"What can I possibly do for you? Why do you want to check the computer? Do you think I lied to you?

How could I? I never accuse my students falsely. I know what I saw and I am standing by it. I caught

him red-handed." Amber responded, feigning calmness. But it was clear from the expression on her

face and the undertones of annoyance in her voice, that she was irritated.

"Then I think it doesn't matter if we check the computer. The truth shall be revealed soon enough. Was

the data deleted?"

"Of course, it was. The computer memory is limited, so we have to delete its database at regular

intervals. It's been two weeks since the incident occurred. There is no way the data can be recovered.

Besides, John confessed to it. Why am I supposed to keep the data?"

"Oh, I see. Mrs. Tang, we both know that you are not a computer specialist. Data can be retrieved from

a computer, even when its deleted, despite the time it was last deleted. Please take us to the computer


Amber shifted uncomfortably, as if she was hiding something. Bun noticed this and made a mental

note. Something is not right, Bun thought. Amber was unwilling to agree to this request, making up

excuses that she had to rush home and prepare dinner for her daughter. She disliked how she was

summoned to the office, forcefully, and her time wasted?for something so trivial when she was off duty.

But deep down, she knew what she had done.

So, she was afraid...

"Director Li, is this your position as well? You are my employer, so I will do as you ask as per?your

instructions." Amber looked at Lilian with pleading eyes, hoping that she could hear here telepathic

thoughts. Say No, Say No, Amber spoke the mantra in her mind.

Lilian?shared the same feeling as Amber, annoyance at being bothered by something like this. She

was off duty now and she could have been at home, having a good night. But Lilian knew she could not

afford to offend Linda, an upper-class celebrity in this city.

Even though Lilian was impatient, she forced a smile and said, "I don't see any problem with checking

the computer logs. If anything, it will put this issue to rest. Aside from the confession, we can have

evidence of John's actions."

"Director Li!" Amber exclaimed, feeling the walls around her crushing down.

"Mrs. Tang, I'm sure it won't take long. I will make it to up to you by offering you overtime pay. How

about that?"

Amber's greed for money overshadowed her fear of being caught, and she subconsciously nodded and

answered, "Okay."

Amber was sure that they couldn't find any?evidence of what she had done on the computer, because

she had already emptied it's database.

She herself had computer skills and learnt programming and hacking at school. She kept this fact a

secret to everyone, even her employees, a skill that came in handy after all.

This computer technician is not a threat.

Amber thought to herself, as she ushered the?group to the computer classroom on the fifth floor.

When they arrived, Linda turned to John and asked "John, do you remember which computer you used

in that class?"

John nodded and pointed to the second one on the third row.

Linda looked at the computer, "Okay thank you. We will wait for Brian."

While they were waiting, Linda got a message from Paul, which contained information about Amber.

Amber Tang, 36 years old, is an experienced teacher with a daughter aged 7. She isn't a local of SH

city and bought her apartment in 2012 with a mortgage period of 20 years. The weird thing was she

bought an Audi A4 last month using cash.

There was a?lot more?about Amber in Paul's message, But the Audi A4 really caught Linda's eye.

Where did Amber get the money to buy an expensive car like that one? Even on a teacher's salary and

the mortgage to pay for, she couldn't possibly afford it.

Where did this extra cash come from? It's not a coincidence that it aligned with the incident. Linda's

investigative sense tickled.

Linda replied to Paul and asked him to find out where the money came from.

Linda could sense there was something fishy going on with Amber. She looked at her, eyeing her up

and down. Amber looked uncomfortable and avoided looking at Linda.

Her eyes were permanently fixated on her French-manicured nails. Impatience or hiding something?

Linda had to find out. Bun noticed Linda's look and knew that they shared the same suspicion.

Paul texted her back, saying, "Okay, give me 10 minutes."

Ten minutes later, Brian arrived and appeared at the door. He stood there quietly for a minute,

surveying the room looking for someone. When he found them, his heart filled with joy, and longing.

Bun could feel eyes on her, a familiar feeling that she often got when Brian was gawking at her. He had

a bad habit of doing that, but she didn't mind. She turned around to meet his eyes.

Brian didn't regret sneaking out of the house. His father had left the house to meet one of his old

friends in another city, Offering Brian an opportunity to leave. When Bun turned to face him, his heart

skipped a beat. Her beauty always took his breathe away. Oh, my love, how I have missed you. Brian


"Brian come in." Linda said, breaking their connection. Bun shook her head and walked to open the

door. Every time they see each other, it's like a spell falls on them and they forget what they were

meant to be doing. Director Li and Mrs. Tang shifted their gazes to the door and their mouths dropped.

They were surprised at how good-looking he was.

Brian took in the room and saw the look on their faces, saying with a lopsided grin, "Ladies, is there

something on my face? Or do you just find me attractive?"

Amber couldn't help nodding at him, which amused Bun a lot. She stepped on his feet.

"Ouch, Bun. Are you jealous?" He asked playfully.

Bun just rolled her eyes and responded, "Well, Young Master Ho. We need your computer prowess to

solve an issue." "Yes, Brian. Please could you look through the Web browser's cache for the computer

logs and the time stamp of when internet sites, specifically pornographic ones, were accessed. Director

Li, could you find out which students used the computer in the class before John's?"

Lilian hesitated for a moment. Wait, why is commanding me around. But then she remembered, that

she didn't want trouble with the Mu Clan. "Fine."

Lilian glanced at Amber and walked out of the room, back to her office to retrieve the records.

She felt thoroughly annoyed.

Why didn't Linda ask her to find the documents when they were in her office?

Why did Linda have to ask her when they were already in the computer class room on the fifth floor?

Now Lilian had to walk up and down, wasting valuable time.

But Lilian knew she couldn't lose her temper and had to give Linda what she wanted. Brian sat infront

of the computer and crossed his legs, saying, "Bun, my shoulder is pretty sore, could you kindly give

me a rub?" He teased.

"Young Master Ho!" Bun responded, restraining herself from playfully punching me. It was inappropriate

behavior.Amber felt pretty confused when she heard how Bun addressed Brian as Young Master. First

it was Linda, with My Lady, and now Brian? Who the hell were these people?

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