A Night With The King

Chapter 43

Sophie looked up from the book she had been reading when the door that led to the king’s chamber opened. She expected to see the king but instead, his special advisor walked in. Sophie got up fast, dropped the book, and bowed to him. He was second in command and answered directly to the king so he was treated with the same respect as the king, not to mention, he used to be the king’s best friend.


He called out her name.

“Yes, my lord,”

She let out. She didn’t like how he called out her name. It sounded like he was here to give her an earful.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Listen to me and listen really well okay? I am just going to say what I have to say once and not more than once, do you copy?”

he questioned authoritatively.

“Yes, my lord.

“Good, now I don’t know what you and the king have but it won’t work, I am trying to talk some sense into him but he won’t listen to me so I am talking to you instead. I want you to be the one to discontinue whatever relationship you have with the king,”

He let out and Sophie raised her head to look at him. He looked serious, not like she expected him to be joking, Patrick never jokes around. She has not even seen him smile once.

“My lord, I don’t quite understand what you mean by relationship because the king and I have no relationship,”

She told him and heard him scoff in disbelief.

“You want me to believe that? Sophie, stop trying to seduce the king, You have done enough, you stole from the kingdom, and for the king to punish you, he is busy making all the wrong decisions just to accommodate you,”

Patrick let out in a raised voice that made Sophie recoil in fear.

“No, I am not trying to seduce him, I would never do that, I am here because he sent me here and he came here out of his will but I have never tried to seduce him and I will never try to do so,”

Sophie told him, wondering why he was accusing her of things she didn’t do, just like the king had done a couple of weeks ago, last she saw the king, he told her he was going to marry Roseline and she didn’t remember telling him not to, she didn’t even say anything other than okay. He wasn’t trying to accommodate her, he told her himself that once the investigations were done, he would send her out of the palace, she had other things to be worried about that she is not letting herself think about for both her mental health and her baby’s sake and seducing the king was nowhere on that list.

“I don’t believe anything you say, woman, I am warning you as whatever you both have might attract consequences to not just you but the king and the kingdom too, it is better to take my advice now.”

His words didn’t sound close to advice, it sounded like he was warning her.

“I told you already, I don’t have any kind of relationship with the king, my lord, I do not have anything to do with him and the last time we spoke, he told me that once the investigations are done and I am proven innocent, I would be sent away from the palace and if I am guilty, then I will be sent back to prison,”

Sophie recounted what the king had told her.

“He told you all that? Or you are just making it up?”

Patrick asked. The man was just as crazy as the king with their crazy way of thinking and making assumptions, no wonder they were friends.

“I am not making anything up, why will I lie against the king? I don’t know what you think the king might have with a commoner like me, but nothing you think is true, I didn’t do anything, and whatever decisions the king has been making have nothing to do with me in any way,”

She went on. She couldn’t let him keep accusing her but she made sure not to raise her voice. Patrick wasn’t the king and he might not be as lenient as the king either.

“You better not be making anything up Sophie, you better be telling the truth because if I find out that you have been lying to me, trust me, you will not like what I would do to you,”

He threatened. Everyone just wants to threaten her now, she was like their punching bag, first, the king and now his adviser, Who knows who might be next? The elders or the whole kingdom?

“Yes, my lord, I am telling the truth, If you doubt me, you can confirm what I said from the king, I mean he has no reason to lie, if I am indeed his mistress or whatever relationship you think we are in, won’t he say the words? He is the king, right? He doesn’t have to lie about having a mistress,”

Sophie let out in a calm voice.

“Not in this case, the king can’t have a mistress before his wedding and there might not even be a wedding no more,”

Patrick lamented. He said the last part more to himself but she heard him anyway, the king wasn’t going to be married? Was that why Patrick thought she was seeing him? Surely, he didn’t really believe she had that much power over the king.

“The wedding is off?”

She asked even though she knew it might be in her best interest not to get involved. Maybe she was being too nosy.

“That doesn’t concern you in any way. As long as what you told me is the truth, you don’t have to concern yourself with anything like that and should instead be thinking of ways to clear your name,”

Patrick said and walked away from her before she could respond.

“Okay, that man is fucking rude,”

Sophie let out when she was alone again. He came to her, accused her of things, and he found out they were not true but he didn’t apologize just like the king didn’t apologize when he saw the video of how he behaved. Men were just too full of themselves.

“I hope no man show their face near me for the next couple of days or even years,”

Sophie let out and she meant every word. Men were always at the scene of the crime when it comes to ruining her life, first it was her dad who started the destruction, then even after he passed, the mistake he made still followed her and the evil men he associated with and pissed off came after her and even then was able to escape them, the king fucking got her pregnant with him having zero memory of that happening and to make it worse, on the day she found out she was pregnant, another man decided to make her already hellish life even worse by stealing from the kingdom and framing her for it, yes, she had every reason to hate men as it stood and God help her if the king picks today to show up near her, she would not be held accountable for what she might say or even do to him.

“He called off his wedding and I am to blame for it too?”

Sophie let out. She threw the book in her head away in frustration. Why did she have to be blamed for a decision he made that she wasn’t even aware of in the first place? Why did he even call off the wedding? If she wasn’t mistaken, it was only two weeks and some days away, or at most three weeks away, that such short notice to call it off when the plan for him to be married had been going on for as long as she could remember, why did he have to pick now when it was so close to calling it off? Sophie felt bad for the princess, she wasn’t the coolest person and honestly, Sophie didn’t want to judge her based on just one encounter but when they had met, the princess had been cranky and brutal towards her. She concluded she must have been in a bad mood that day.

“Why did he call off the wedding? Is he in love with someone else or does he have someone else he wants to be married to instead?”

Sophie asked herself.

“Whatever, I am sure that person is not me or anyone I know, so it should not be my business, I have my own problems to worry about,”

She let out. She should really be focusing her thoughts on things that concern her and her baby, She might think it is still far away but every day brings her closer to when her baby will be born and so far, she has no money, no plan, or whatever. Maybe it would be better for the king to reach a decision concerning whether he would let her go free or lock her up in prison, and to be realistic, none of them was looking like a way out for her because if she ended up in prison, she might not have access to her baby and they might decide to put her up for adoption, on the other hand, if she is freed and is not able to get a paying job within the kingdom, she might starve to death before her baby is even born.

“It is a mess,”

She let out as tears welled up in her eyes. She felt like her problems were too endless with not even a single loophole where she could get through and solve them.

“Or maybe I should just tell him the truth,”

She let out.

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