A Night With The King

Chapter 41

“What the hell?”

Roseline asked after she pushed away. He kind of forgot what was happening between them and instead, his head was filled with another woman.

“Did you suddenly disappear from your body or are you just a woody man with no single romance bone?”

She asked and he glared at her.

“What do you mean by that?”

He fired at her.

“I mean, you and I just shared a kiss and it felt like I was kissing a log of wood, that’s the worse kiss I have ever had,”

She let out while wiping her lips.

“You, did you just, what?”

Lance let out. He couldn’t even get the words he wanted to say out. did she just compare him to a log of wood?

“What? You can’t get the words out?”

“You watch what you say to me, a wood? If you think you have kissed a lot, I can tell you I have kissed twice as many people and this is my worst too and you think I am to blame?”

He fired at her. He hated how he had to defend himself against her.

“Well, I guess we have a lot more to work on than we thought because I am a very active woman who loves sex, if we can’t even get that out of our union? What is the need?”

She let out. she was right for once and before he could tell her what was on his mind, she started talking again.

“I think we can work on it though, not like we have a choice, goodnight, your majesty, see yourself out,”

She told him and without giving him a chance to respond, she turned and walked into what must be the restroom. He wanted to tell her to come back so that they could finish the discussion but he was tired of her presence already, so he turned around and walked out of her hotel room. His bodyguards were waiting for him at the entrance. He got into his car and on the drive back to the palace, he finally made the decision. She might think she doesn’t have a choice, but he does. He wasn’t going to marry someone he can’t even share a bed with. he brought out his phone and sent a text to Patrick to tell the elders to come to the palace for a meeting tomorrow, they were the only people he answered to, not like they are going to influence his decision in any way, but they were the reason he agreed to it and they should be the first to know. Sure enough, he got a response from Patrick within a couple of minutes after he sent the text. For once, Patrick didn’t ask what was going on and why the sudden meeting. He would regret it when he finds out the reason the meeting was called but Lance was way past caring.

Lance walked into the room full of the elders of the kingdom with the goal of telling them he no longer wanted to be married, he had no reason to be married. The alliance he wanted with the other kingdom seemed not to be needed anymore, he already knew that anyway, and pushing through with the marriage would not be good for him. It was better he called it off now than wait till a few weeks to it. Three weeks’ notice was better than a week. He knew he should have at least told Patrick first but the man would only talk him out of it and he didn’t want that.

“My elders,”

He greeted, them when he walked into the throne room.

“Your majesty,”

They all chorused. Lance knew by the end of the meeting they would be mad at him but he had to do what he had to do. He has been king for five years now without a queen and he was sure he could continue being king without one. He should never have let them talk him into marriage.

“Thank you for honoring my invitation, I have something very important to discuss with you people,”

He disclosed, paused, and looked at their faces, they were looking at him expectantly. They were about to get the shock of their life and he was ready for whatever they wanted to do or say.

“I called you here to let you know of my intentions to call off the marriage plans I have with the princess of the neighboring kingdom and before you talk, let me finish what I have to say, the reason that made me agree to marry the princess seems not to be needed by me anymore and the princess and I are not compatible at all, I have been meeting her for a couple of days now and I met with her yesterday evening and the time we spent together was enough to make me conclude that I no longer want to marry her,”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

He finished. The whole room was quiet and all the elders turned their attention to Patrick who was looking dumbfounded and couldn’t even speak.

“Don’t look at him, he has no idea, I made the decision myself and wanted to let you all know that I will be sending a message to them on behalf of the kingdom that the marriage will no longer hold,”

Lance told them. They were all looking at him with so much disapproval as he expected.

“Your majesty, if we are allowed to say a word,”

One of the elders said.

“Of course, you can talk, but just know, nothing you say will make me change my mind, I already made a decision and I don’t intend on backing down,”

he warned.

“This isn’t right, your majesty, this will bring shame and a lot of bad press to the kingdom and that’s not what your majesty or Otano stand for,”

The elder said.

“I don’t see any shame in stopping a marriage of sham where the supposed bride and groom can’t even share a kiss. Why should I marry someone I can’t even kiss? How would we be able to bear children if we can’t even pull off a kiss?”

Lance asked. He was struggling so badly not to say a curse word as it would be deeply frowned upon by the already offended elders.

“I am sure with time and when the wedding finally happens then you both can work things out, you can’t back out now, it would ruin the relationship we have with her people, it is not good for the kingdom, think about the kingdom your majesty,”

Another elder let out. He was much bolder than the first.

“I always think of the kingdom and my people but this wedding, no, I don’t need it, I have been king for five years and the kingdom has been doing fine without a queen, I need more time to find a suitable bride, I am not rushing into any marriage with a princess whose presence I can’t even stand, need I mention that she feels the same too, she doesn’t like me at all and keep talking over me, that’s not the kind of person I want as the queen of this kingdom,”

Lance responded to him.

“We know about that. That’s why when we suggested that you get married, we told you that it was your choice, we found the woman and you agreed, this has been going on for months now with so many preparations in place as it would be the first royal wedding in a long time, now you can’t just wake up and decide that you no longer want to be marriage mere weeks to the said wedding, that’s unheard of, please have a rethink,”

Another elder said. The way he made it seem as if they gave him a choice, yes, they told him it was up to him and then the next meeting, they came up with a full list of potential brides for him, back then, he had been eyeing working with the neighboring kingdom but not anymore, not after he found out he had a lot more to lose if he formed an alliance with them. The only fault he had was not calling the damn thing off weeks ago or even months ago when he found her constant nagging irritating.

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