A Mysterious She-wolf

Chapter 21 Chapter 18

Chapter 21 Chapter 18

Kavi's POV

I woke up with painful joints and realised I was still healing from the fight as I used all my energy to heal

my mom's mate. I looked around and found I was in the pack house. I smelled cinnamon. I thought I

mind linked Logan but it seems I wrongly mind linked Surya. I sat up and found him sleeping on the

floor. What a gentleman! I was still in Logan's shirt. I went to take a bath and took Surya's clothes

beforehand. I know he won't mind borrowing his clothes. The hot shower washed away my tiredness

along with the dirt. I looked at the mirror. My purple eyes have sparks in them. I am not going to wear

lenses anymore. I am not going to hide my identity anymore. In a single day, a lot had happened. I

sighed and went out. Surya was awake now.


I said awkwardly.


He blushed and turned away. I looked at myself and found nothing inappropriate.

"I am going downstairs."

I said to him and descended down.

He followed me to the kitchen. I grabbed some juice and sat on the dining table to relax. Logan came in

and gave me a warm smile. I smiled back and he sat next to me. Surya was sitting opposite to me

drinking his juice while stealing glances at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Surya?"

I asked him irritated with his puzzling behaviour. Logan started laughing while Surya looked away with

pink cheeks. He looks cute while blushing but what the hell is wrong with him?

"He almost fainted when you shifted back to your human. He was so shocked to see you naked. He got

steadied just before your mom entered the scene. When yous lost conscious, he told everyone that you

wanted him to take you back to pack house and carried you here."

I smiled at him. Now I understand why he was behaving like that.

"You should get used to the nudity, Surya. It's common in werewolves."

He looked at me with wide eyes. But nodded his head. I felt a strong poke in my head. Alpha!

'Yes, my highness!'

I asked Sezhiyan playfully in mind link.

'Oh my princess, you need to give a lot of explanations for the things you have done. So don't waste

our time and come to my office.'

He linked me.

'On the way, your highness!'

I conveyed him and found Logan already going to the Alpha's office.

Time to open up! I entered the living room and found Mithun's family with Pooja and other pack

members having a happy conversation. Rakshana and Pooja's expression turned sour on seeing me

but Akhilan eyes didn't meet mine. Pooja muttered 'Lying bitch' under her breath but I let it go and

smiled at Mithun and Rakshana. Rakshana turned away but Mithun came near me with a smile.

"I am so happy, dear. My son had finally agreed to get married. The wedding would be in a month. We

planned for the engagement in a week time. This rascal at least had the mercy to give happiness to us

now. Thanks to you, Kavi. He said after the war he would think about the decision. The war ended

sooner without any losses. He surprised us by telling 'yes' when his mother asked him before a few

minutes about marriage. I am going to get grandchildren soon..."

He paused and his eyes glazed. Pooja was smirking. But Akhilan was looking at his happy mother with

a smile that wasn't reaching his eyes. I feel numb!

Grandchildren? It should be me who has to carry his pups! But how can he agree to marry someone

other than his mate? Now, what is the difference between my mom's mate and him? Both didn't bother

about their destined mate and made their decision to mate with others.

"Oops! Alpha is calling us. Let's go, Kavi."

Mithun interrupted my thoughts.

I was so stunned and trying to grasp the news. I thought that I got my mother back but here I lost my

mate forever. My wolf was so silent and I felt her blocking me. The pain in my heart was so much. Once

I misunderstood him for leaving me for another she-wolf. But I knew this time I can't get him back. Why

should I be sad? He is the one leaving me. This is not new for me. I was about to open up my secret to

him and planned to apologize to him for everything. I can't deny what destiny had planned for me. But it

sure had planned something different for me.

I walked behind Mithun like a machine. We entered the Alpha's office. Alpha and Beta family was here

along with Manohar, Mukilan, my mother and Mithun. I felt a poke in my head. I opened my mind link.

'Are you okay?'

I heard Dhaya's concerned voice in my mind. I realised the sadness was surfacing in my aura. I

masked my aura with exhaustion soon.

'Yes. Just tired'

I linked him back and raised the walls back.

"Kavi, you know why you are summoned here, right?"

Manohar asked me. I nodded my head. I am not over the fact that I can't be with my mate for the rest of

my life. But I should tell them the reason why I have done all these things. I almost revealed it at the

battlefield but it was very vague.

"You have hidden many secrets about yourself. This questions your loyalty to the pack. We are giving

you a chance to explain why you did that. If we find it is fair, we might let you continue in this pack. Else

we didn't have other option than to banish you from the pack land. But still, there would be


Sezhiyan spoke in a stern voice. I sighed out and started to speak.

"I apologise for hiding these things from you, Alpha. But I never intended any harm to the pack. I love

this pack more than my life. And I would die for this pack happily. You know we transferred from Green

ocean pack when a wolf tried to force himself on my mother. After moving to Mountain shadows pack, I

lived for a few years happily in ignorance being a pup. My mother wasn't the only reason for everything,

but she is partially the reason for all my changes. I felt her avoiding me but I wanted her love. So I

started behaving like a good pup and I insisted Granpa to get me contact lenses to make me look like a

normal pup. But she started spending more time in office and once in the middle of her nightmare, she

even attacked me. She suffered a lot and it pained me to see her like that every time. And I already lost

one of my close friends.

I started distancing myself from others thinking they will be live better if they stay away from me. My

wolf would go aggressive because of the pack members' teasing. But we talked a lot and she accepted

to grow patience and calm. After some time, I almost turned invisible. No one bothered about my

existence except my grandparents. In that pack, females only learn basic defence moves. They won't

allow the female to train like we do here. I liked fighting as Sezhiyan always trained me here from my

young age. But at the age of twelve, I found the real reason for my mother's distanced behaviour

towards me which made me want to train hard more.

Grandpa and Grandma always took care of me when mom went to her work. One day, we three went

to the mountains to gather some medicinal plants. But suddenly we saw some rogue wolves trying to

attack a wounded woman. Later I learnt, her name is Zarina and she is a witch. My grandparents

fought with them and being an Alpha couple they managed to kill the wolves, but a rogue who hidden in This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

his human form shot them in silver bullets. Before he dies, he sent some of the memories of my mother

to me with the help of that witch through the mind link. In those memories, I saw how one day when

they return home, the place was wrecked and how they found my wounded mom tied to the bed

without any clothes.

And I saw my mom telling that she had met her mate but after taking him home she noticed his mark

and realised he was already mated. So she tried to reject him. But he hit her and tied her with silver

cuffs making it impossible for her wolf to shift and took her innocence telling that it was his property to

take and forced her again and again before leaving her tied up naked. He used masking scent to erase

his trace. And no one knew who he was from the identity my mom told. But a patrol member found

killed with claw marks to the northern territory.

I saw in the memories, how you guys searched for the person and failed in every move because of lack

of any identity about him. Then the memory of my grandparents arguing to abort the baby and my mom

telling that I am the light of her life and she had finally found the purpose of her life. The memories of

her love for me when she was pregnant. Then the incident of why we transferred to Mountain shadow

pack. And her increasing nightmares and once she was arguing with Grandpa telling that I resemble

her mate and that's the reason she could not spending time with me. The memories ended there.

Then he caught his lifeless mate's hand and told me how much he loves me and he wanted me to be

strong in every situation. His soul left his body after that. All these memories were like transferred to me

in seconds. That witch thanked me and... she left. My grandpa must have mind linked the pack

members because they came in a few minutes and took me back home. My whole anger turned to my

mom's mate. I wanted to find and kill him for the pain he gave to my mother.

I was young then. I thought the training that I am getting from the pack is not adequate. I lied to

everyone that I couldn't shift to my wolf. My wolf agreed to all my decisions and supported me. She

didn't even growl out loud in my human form within pack territory. Alpha commands never affected me.

I thought it was my Grandpa's Alpha blood in me. But it seems I was created from two Alpha blooded

people. So I never shifted to Mountain shadow pack Alpha's command but fake whimpered slightly.

They bought the lie. They teased and mocked me for a few days and then left me without talking. And it

made me go more invisible. I heard about rogue tournaments. But the entrance was costly. I started

learning computers and started earning to pay for them and appeared there in 'Black mask'. And that

was the day in a week, I let my wolf out. They never caught me sneaking for those four years unlike I

was caught here on the very first sneaking.

I told my mother that I am going to learn some defence arts from the human. She agreed. After two

years, I trained in full swing to fulfil my revenge and in one rogue tournament, I learnt I was healing

faster than other wolves. Then my wolf told that she doubts that we could heal others. And I healed a

stray dog that night before sneaking back to Mountain shadow pack territory. I would visit my mom daily

and use my power to help others in Pack hospital. But I don't want any attention from anyone. And no

one gave that to me.

Once in every year, I will go to the northern region where a pack of wolves live in their wolf form and

they were so animalistic and will kill without any mercy. I am still going there and train my wolf with

them as they were the most powerful werewolves in their wolf form. I will stay there for a month during

school vacations and live there in my wolf form for a month to strengthen my wolf.

The next year I found I could see people auras. My powers increased with my age. We transferred

back here. I tried to find a clue on her mate. No one helped me but I realised a few have found who he

was. I didn't want people to get close to me, because I am afraid of losing them or my ambition would

put them in danger neither I want to reveal my secrets before killing him. Above all, I didn't want

another heartbreak. All my closed one were either killed or left me. So I kept the secrets. On the next

birthday, I found I could act as the medium to transfer energy from one person to another with my

healing power and also I could feel a person's aura without looking at them. Then last week, Dhaya got

attacked. I healed him and the war happened and you knew the rest."

I laid all my secrets in front of them and smiled sadly at them. It was feeling so good to let go of

something that I have been holding for a long time. But there was a nagging pain in my heart because

of the fact my mate wasn't mine anymore. I don't care about them banishing me because after a month,

when my mate mates with Pooja, I would be feeling everything they do. My wolf would go insane and

will want their blood. I need to move away before his wedding. So going rogue is not a bad idea for me.

The room was silent. Tears were flowing from females and the males were calm but their aura radiates

everything they feel. Dhaya, Logan and Mukilan were shocked and sad at my revelation. Luna

suddenly walked to my mom and slapped her hard across her face.

"See what have you done to your pup? Now I see why that cheerful pup had gone into the shell which

was the complete opposite of her."

Luna shouted at my mom.

"Mithra, calm down. She already apologised to Kavi."

Sezhiyan pulled her to him and his touch calmed her mostly. Manohar and Alpha shared a look.

"Ilamaran and Krishnan were under the custody of Council for what they did to Dhaya and also for

injecting you with silver in One-on-one fight. Vijayan, their Beta promised to take care of the pack

meanwhile. Ilamaran was an emotional mess to know their parents weren't mates and what his father

did to your mother. It seems they lied the entire pack that they were destined mates. And he followed

his father blindly and now regretting everything he has done. At that time, they were mated for the

benefit of the pack. I can't blame them. I want you to come and meet the council members, dear. Not

everyone will have powers like you. And I think we would discuss what has to be done there. I will call

you when you need to come."

Manohar spoke to me in a calm tone. I nodded my head in acceptance.

"Even though you lied to us, we can understand why you did that. You risked your life and put a fair

fight against the pack enemy and you have saved the pack from the damages and loses. I think I could

forgive you for this once. But no more secrets. Okay?"

Sezhiyan said in strict tone but his eyes held happiness. I smiled at him and nodded my head.

'I want to talk to you alone, Alpha. But not now. Other might get suspicious.'

I mind linked him. He looked at me quizzically but slightly nodded his head with a frown.

"Okay, guys. I think we should arrange for some little pack 'get together'. After all the hectic war

tension, we deserve to chill for some time."

Everyone cheered up at the mention of 'get together' and my mom held my hand and asked me to go

home with her. And we had a good time cooking and eating together and she even stayed in my bed till

I pretend to sleep. I can't sleep in real when my wolf isn't speaking to me and my mate was planning for

a wedding with another she-wolf.

I opened my mind link and nudged Logan.

No reply! He's asleep.

Same with Mukilan.

I found Dhaya's mind link open.


'Is that you, gorgeous?'

He asked me in surprise.

'Yeah. I can't sleep. Can you kidnap me somewhere?'

I asked him hesitantly.

'On my way. Don't you need to take care of your mom's medical emergency at night.'

He asked. I got up and undressed my nightdress and threw some t-shirt and sweatpants.

'No! I made the arrangements for her to sleep all night without any nightmares.'

I replied in mind and descended down with my wolf speed and locked the front door and waited for him.

He soon arrived there in a bike and smiled at me charmingly.

"Where do you want to go, gorgeous?"

He asked me.

"I want to drink"

I said blankly.

"Milkshakes or fresh juices or coffee something like that?"

He asked while kicking his bike start.

"Some Alcohol!"

He turned around and looked at me with wide eyes.

"What the beep is wrong with you?"

He whisper-yelled. There are few Wolves bar where they would allow people above 18 years to drink

and they have strong drinks which were exclusively for werewolves. Mukilan used to go there once in a

while. But he would never take me there.

"I want to celebrate this day."

I said him without any note of emotions. He eyed me for a moment and started driving. I sighed and sat

there silently.

'Hey there'

I said to my wolf softly. But she didn't let down the wall.

After a few minutes, I found him still driving through the woods and we are driving away from the town.

"Where are you taking me?"

I asked him.

"What's your problem? Tell me about it first."

He questioned me. I shook my head.

"Why are you asking me like that. I got my mother back after all these years. I am so happy. Also, I am

old enough to get drinks. So I want to celebrate the day."

I lied to him.

"I am not buying your lie. Let's go for a long drive. Tell me when you feel like going home. I will turn my

bike then. Okay?"

He said with a slight strict but suggestive tone. It sounded like a great idea.

"Umm... I think it will do."

I said in a whisper and concentrated on my surrounding.

I inhaled the deep smell of forest and night. The darkness around us was strangely helping me to calm

down. I don't know how long we travelled in silence. He refilled his petrol on our way once. I felt a lot

better with the wind caressing my face. I touched his shoulder and whispered that I want to go back

home. Dhaya took a u-turn and we stayed in very comfortable silence. The sun came up slowly making

the rays of light replace the darkness. I realised we have gone very far but he didn't complain. He

stopped near a pretty empty park.

"Wanna play swing?"

He asked me with a big smile.

I remembered us playing swing in the backyard during our childhood and nodded my head. We

occupied the swing and started playing with that. It sure did help me to lighten my mood. We slide from

the metal slides and chased each other and fell down while running made us both laugh a lot.

"I know something is bothering you. But I can tell that you will get over it. You are so strong to do that.

Don't get confused with anything. Everything is going to be alright and soon you will be free as a bird

just like old Kavi with a light heart. I owe you my life. You saved me from the last thread toward death.

You can tell me anything and I will do anything to make you happy. Cheer up! Your mother would want

to spend time with you. Go with her and catch up for all the past years. Life is very short. We can't

predict anything. So live the life when you can. That all I wanted to say."

He said when we made our way to his bike.

I hugged him and he patted my shoulder. He kissed the top of my head.

I got on with a new determination to live my life. At first, I didn't want a mate. Then I didn't want to

involve him in my messy life and got the moonstone pendant. I then saw Akhilan and Destiny made me

go to his pack while he went to search for me. Now he was planning to live the rest of his life with

another she-wolf. I decided to let life go on its flow. I felt my wolf putting her wall down. She agreed with

my new decision and laid down silently.

"Thank you very much, Dhaya. Your words are what I actually needed to hear. I could breathe easily

now. Let's go home. Mithun will go to zombie mode if we skip our training."

I heard him chuckle and we made our way back home.

I saw Akhilan coming out when Dhaya pulled his bike in front of the pack house. I hopped down from

the back seat and looked at Akhilan's eyes without any emotions. Once we spoke about mates and he

said he didn't want to mate with anyone other than his mate. But he was doing exactly the opposite

now. Dhaya got down and put his hand around my shoulder and lead me inside. I noticed a glimpse of

jealous in his eyes. But it can't be. I should be hallucinating. He had agreed to marry Pooja. I should

move on. I have lived with the constant pain all these years longing for my mother's love and if the

destiny had planned me to keep in some pain forever. I can't change it.

Give me some strength, Moon!

[To be continued...]

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